Metal Cowboy: Forge

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Written by Matthew Sinn/A.K.A. Sinbad the Mountain

Metal Cowboy/My Story

My name is John Eagle. I was once a normal traveler until touching a mysterious alien object. Which busted me out of jail. But also gave me strange super powers. But also came with a downside involving my face. Which lead me down the path of a vigilante hero. Who's take down many supervillains and terrorists too. While chased Time Police, a special enforcement from the far future. Who use time machines to hunt down criminals, that try to change the past. But also the richest supervillain in the universe. Going by the name Dark Space. Until infected by some sort of super rust. Which affected my body an found the man who did it. Taking him down. But also knocked out cold. Before I could get him to reverse what he's done. Putting me within a terrible situation. 


Metal Cowboy/Scrap Land

Slowly waking up on the dirt covered ground, while surrounded by massive piles of junk. I slowly got up an spoke to myself. "Well that wasn't pleasant". Who then began searching around while moving slow. While completely unsure of where I'm at. I searched around for a while on foot. Trying my best to figure out where I've been taken. Until spotted this small robot hiding behind this far left corner ahead. Which seem to be made of random parts, stood at 5'3, two yellow glowing eyes and seem to be shy. With me quickly speaking. "Who's there"? That's when it slowly stepped out. An began to speak. "My, your a strange robot". "That I've never scene". He heard me reply. "That's because I'm no robot". "But would like to know". "Where exactly am I"? The robot told me. "Well that's easy". "Your in Scrap Land, on the junk Planet 507". I was now shock. For I wasn't on earth anymore, but on another planet itself. Putting me in a very, very, very bad situation.      


Metal Cowboy/Far From Home

Alarm by the news given to me by the strange small robot. I faced him and urgently asked. "Have you scene any Time Ships around here"? The little robot replied. "I'm sorry strange sir". "But there are none of those on this planet". This was my worst fear coming true. As I started thinking fast and then asked him. "Is there a way for me to contact Time Police"? He quickly seemed alarmed an spoke. "Please, not so loud". "For that sort of talk". "Makes him mad". Curious I asked. 'Who"? He was about to tell me. When we both heard these loud footsteps coming this way. Which cause the robot to start panicking an speaking. "Oh no"! "She's coming over here". I now reply. "Who is"? That's when the small robot told me. While also sounding scared. "Iron Tooth".     


Metal Cowboy/Junkyard Dog

Unsure of what exactly was coming this way. Both the robot an I decide to hide an watched. This huge robot dog the size of a van appear. That had sharp claws, teeth and looked pretty tough. As we kept standing there quietly. Patiently waiting as the thing looked around an was now moving towards us. Who knew this was bad, an with no way to defend ourselves. I quickly whispered to the robot. "Stay here". Who then ran off and started being chased by the huge robot dog. That was close on my tail and obviously not going to leave me alone. Until I'm sadly down for the count.  


Metal Cowboy/Metal Hound

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