Part 13

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I was downstairs making some cookies when Gracelynn ran downstairs saying, "Daddy daddy Allayah sang happy birthday to me."

What does she mean Allayah sang happy birthday to her.Allayah doesn't even know its her birthday whatt.I was thinking to myself. Until I heard the door upstairs close.

"Why is Alexia closing the door?"I thought to myself.
Gracelynn was on the floor shaping some of the doughs for the cookies. Im gonna go upstairs to check if shes ok

"Alexia," I shouted as I went upstairs to the girls room.

"Yes daddy,"she shouted through the door.

"Are you ok?"I asked her as I opened the door to see her putting something behind her

"Umm yeah I was just..... Ummmm,"she said thinking what to say.

"I was....." she said looking everywhere but at me .

"Alexia?"I said looking at her sternly. "What were you doing?"

"Daddy,promise me you wont be mad,"she said giving me her puppy eyes.

"Why?What did you do ?"I asked her calmly.

"I was playing on your phone and then I saw a picture with Allayah popped up so I went on it,into her messages and called her."she said fastly.

"What?"I asked her.

"Im sorry daddy,I just really wanted to talk to her again,"Alexia said on the verge of tears.

"Hey,Its ok,"I said rubbing her head."Im not mad," I said reassuring her that its ok.

Idk why Alexia have been getting so emotional over Allayah, we literally just met not even a month ago.

She started to calm down so I decided to ask her a few questions

"Did she answer?"I asked

"Yeah,and she sung Happy Birthday to Gracelynn, "she said giggling and looking at me.

"Daddy,"she said looking down and playing with her fingers.

"Yes Princess ?"I asked her.

"I really like Allayah Daddy,"she said looking at me"Shes beautiful, shes kind and she calls me Princess "

I closed my eyes as I listened to her talking about Allayah.

"Can she come to Gracelynn's party on Saturday daddy?Pleasee,"she said giving me her puppy eyes again.

"I dont think thats possible young lady,"
She looked a way disappointed.

"Allayah is busy throughout the day princess she'll be occupied doing something."

"How are you so sure daddy?You didn't even ask her,"she looked at me.

"Because shes an adult ,and adults always have important stuff to do." I answered her.

"Like what?"she asked.Staring at me

I know this little girl has something up her sleeve with asking me so much questions.


"I just wanna know whats so important why Allayah will miss Gracelynn's party.Isnt her party important daddy?"she asked looking straight at me.

This little girl is gonna be the death of me.

"I didn't say it wasnt important .Allayah may be busy on Saturday and telling her at such a late notice isnt gonna make it any better for her.So it kinda doesn't make sense ."

"But daddy if you dont tell her how would she know?"she asked.

"Alexia?"i said seriously .

"Please daddy,I want her to come too,"Gracelynn said coming from out of no where.

What am I gonna do with these kids?

"Okay,"I said.

"Really,"Alexia asked in disbelief .

"Yeah,We'll call her back together,"I said as I opened my phone and went back into instagram where alot of people were sending Gracelynn happy birthday through twitter,tiktok and Instagram.When I went into messages I saw that Alexia indeed did call Allayah and she also sent a happy birthday message to Gracelynn.

Ok im gonna call her

What should I say???

Idk tell her thanks for wishing my baby happy birthday

Or I can just get straight to the point and say hey,Im inviting you to Gracelynn's part on Saturday.

Ok ok

Because I was taking too long Alexia just clicked the call button .

"Little girl," I said looking at her.

She and Gracelynn only started laughing.

"Hello?"Allayah said seizing our laughter.

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