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May 1998

Thirteen-year-old Ella watched from the threshold of her sister's door as a doctor looked her over.

Six months ago, fifteen-year-old Alice McKinney had been diagnosed with a stage three brain tumor that had quickly progressed to stage four.

Ella had been looking for a way to help her sister, but nothing had helped.

Ella went to her room to find a girl sitting on her bed.

"I can help save your sister," the girl said.

"How?" Ella asked.

"I can take her cancer away."

"What will it cost?"

"Nothing. For ten years, you don't have to pay."

"What happens after ten years?"

The girl smiled. "Nothing you'll miss much. What do you say?"

Ella thought for a moment and nodded. "Yes."

The deal was made and immediately, Alice recovered.

Those who knew the McKinney family, far and wide, called it a miracle. No one knew what Ella had done, and she prayed they never find out.

It was a secret she would carry with her for years, only coming to light when two brothers came to discover her past.

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