XXXI: Serena Gleis is Dead.

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It was a fair morning on the capital, the public market has been buzzing of people for hours now. Horse-driven carriages passed the busy streets every now and then. The small restaurants and shops got their hands full.

Every foreigners that will visit Bluistain might think that this Empire was the perfect place to live in as it's the most powerful with regards to it's military aspect,it is considered as the most wealthy Empire on the whole continent as well as the most peaceful place to live in.

Or so they thought.

In this same day, the Imperial Palace was on a fit pf storm as a certain prisoner has escaped within the grasp of the commanding general of the knights himself.

“How foolish could you be?” The crown prince, Cyn's voice echoed through the vast office. Celine, whose on his side was trying her best to calm him down.

“Forgive my incompetence, your highness.” Luca said as he was kneeling before Cyn. The crown prince let out a deep sigh, he stood up and walked towards Luca. He forcefully made him look up to him and said “You know how much of a threat that girl is?”  Luca nodded.

With a loud sound, Luca fell on to the floor. Celine ran towards the two of them and helped Luca to sit up. “Goodness, are you okay?” She said worriedly to her childhood friend whose lips were busted due to the strong punch it received.

“Cyn! Calm down.” She exclaimed. Cyn's anger rose up quickly as he have seen how Celine touched Luca. His eyes darkened with just the sight of Celine touching another man.

“Leave.” Cyn commanded.

As Celine helped Luca to stand up and was about to leave Cyn stopped them. “Not you, Celine.” He said. Celine gave a comforting look to Luca as she came back to the crown prince's side.

“I'll make sure to bring her back myself, your highness.” Luca bowed and then left the office. His hatred towards the crown prince grew, his lust to bring back Serena was over the roof. It hit his pride as a man and as a general that a mere girl could trick him.

He left the office and came back to the Knight's quarters where all of the Knights, on his presence hurriedly got to their positions.

“Now, we hunt.” He said and everyone understood.

♠ ♠ ♠

“Are we still far?” I asked Az. It's been almost half a day of walking through thick snow and I cannot even see anything ahead of us.

“Yes.” He replied.

Az kept on telling me not to talk much throughout our journey as first the noise might bring wild and dangerous animals to us and lastly, to conserve energy but highly likely that he's just getting annoyed about all of my nagging.

My feet were numb due to the cold but I am too embarrassed to tell Az. I don't want him to think that I was slowing him down. I am scared that he might just abandon me in the middle of nowhere.

I let out a deep sigh, the cold and exhaustion getting the best of me. “You, tired?” Az asked, stopping for a while. I shyly nodded my head as a response. He carefully grabbed me by my arm and guided me to a nearby clump of bushes and made me sit there.

“I told you to tell me if you're tired.” He said as he sat beside me.

I was so wrong about him. This man will never abandon me in the middle of nowhere. Seems like I am worrying over nothing.

Ink: Living Life as Serena GleisHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin