6. Free

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Kieran Richards

I watched Morana's face as the man spoke.

Her expressions were frozen. I couldn't get anything from her reactions.

She sat back and we quickly pulled our hands from behind her, Dav placing his hands on his legs, mine crossed over my chest.

She eyed her drink, regretting not grabbing it before she sat back so I leaned up, grabbing it for her and handing it to her.

She gave me a soft smile.

I just nodded once making sure she was fine.

She nodded, her gaze returning forward.

We sat, I barely paid attention. I knew Dav was so I couldn't care less.

I did notice Otis's wife looking at us funny.

Morana noticed too.

"I'll be back." Morana whispered and set her drink in my hands as she stood.

She left.

"Why is she here?" Otis asked.

"None of your business." I answered.

He kept prying but my phone went off.

It was an email.

He's trying to sell you his wife to be apart of your underground group.

I handed my phone to Dav.

He looked at me.

"Pardon us, can we ask what the point of this meeting is?" I asked.

"W-well I just wanted to-"

I watched his wife stand and come sit where Morana was.

"No." Davian said.

"No?" She scoffed.

"She isn't our type. At all." I looked at the scrawny, sad woman.

"How many men have you given her to?" Morana asked, standing at the entrance of the lounge.

Otis's face was bright red.

Morana looked at her.

"Every man wants a beautiful woman." Otis blabbered.

"Take a walk with me." Morana nodded at the wife and I handed Morana a bottle of water.

They left.

"She doesn't actually want this, Otis." I said.

"She does." He clipped his tone.

"How many men?" Dav asked.

"None of your-"

"I'll kill you here and now. How many?"

"Enough to get what I want."


"Hundreds then. Do you believe in human trafficking?"

"Isn't that what you guys do? That's what I wanted in on."

"God no." My stomach dropped.

I stood, shutting the door to the lounge as Davian shot him in the head twice.

"Oops." He put the gun back in its holster.

I called security.

They called our clean up crew.

We left and his wife was sobbing in Morana's arms.

"You're free, sweetheart. Otis can't come after you anymore." Dav smiled.

Unfortunately I lacked sympathy or empathy.

I can't comfort sobbing women or people in general.

"Where do I go?" She asked, panicked.

"Go to his house, grab whatever, do whatever you have to. If you need to, come back to the old casino and we can help if you need it." I tried and she nodded.

"His keys." She whispered.

I went inside and pulled them from his pocket.

I grabbed his wallet as well dissecting it of his cash and cards.

I handed all of it to the young woman and she gave Morana a large hug, to which Morana tapped her back in response.

The girl left so fast and Morana drank her water.

"Entertaining." Davian nodded.

Morana had tears in her eyes and my heart spiked.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

She nodded, turning away as she wiped her face.

"Do you want me to call Zara?" Dav asked.

She shook her head no.

Her eyes were bright blue as the red surrounding it was making them pop.

"Can I do anything for you? Food? Another water? A drink?" I asked.

She shrugged.

"Grab her another water." Dav said and I went inside.

I got two and came back outside to her in Davian's arms, crying.

Someone crying without sound was terrifying.

I came behind her, moving her hair so Dav didn't pull on it.

I rubbed her back, alarm in Davian's eyes and I was just confused.

"I got you water, doll." I whispered and she pressed her face harder against Davian's chest, her fists white as they clutched his shirt.

"Did I do something?" I whispered.

"I don't think it is us at all." Dav nodded at me and I hummed.

"Wanna go to the car?" I asked and she nodded.

I grabbed her hands, rubbing over her knuckles until she finally released him.

We got to the car and she wiped her eyes, her makeup still perfectly in place other than her mascara.

I opened the passenger door for her.

She hesitated.

"Do you want to sit in the back?" I asked.

She looked up at me, nodding.

I grabbed her face before she moved from me, wiping the mascara.

She sniffled as she went to the back seat.

She got in and I felt bad.

"Do you want anyone back there with you?" Davian asked.

She nodded.

He looked at me and nodded.

So I got in the back and she sat, staring out the window.

"Tired, doll?" I asked.

She nodded.

"You can nap. It's quite a drive." I offered.

She leaned onto my shoulder, shutting her eyes.

"What do we tell Zara?" I asked.

"Nothing." She whispered.

I nodded, her hand landing on my thigh, but I sat as still as I could.

I felt her grow heavier and that's when I knew she was asleep.

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