The Teddy Who Watched Over Me.

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 I'm now 13 years old and still remember this story from when I was extremely little, and would like to share it with you. One day when I was about 6 years old, Christmas arrived and I was thrilled to see what kind of presents my family had given me. My birthday is on Christmas and every year my family have a big get together. At about 6pm December 25th, all my family arrived and although there was many people that I didn't recognize, one man stood out to me. He was extremely tall and old, looking around 60 or maybe older. He walked up to me and I looked away.

''Hello, kid.'' The man said, a wide grin appearing on his wrinkly face.

''Hi...'' My innocent kid-like voice replied, giving him a faint smile back while he reached his hand out as if he was asking to shake hands with me. I was confused as I didn't recognize him at all, and the way he approached me was extremely suspicious.

''I'm your uncle Gilbert. Your dad and I are distant brothers but I came here as your birthday is important to me, although I last saw you when you were a baby.''

I smiled politely at him as he pulled something out of his bag.

It was a medium-sized teddy bear with a blue bib and a black button nose. There was a dirt mark on it and the mouth was sewed shut. 

''It's for your 5th birthday. 5 years old, huh? Look how old you're getting already!'' He smiled creepily and forced the teddy bear into my petite hands. ''I'm 6 now.'' I replied, by the look on my face I could tell that he knew I was creeped out.

''Don't be scared, kid. I understand you have not seen me since you were a baby and you probably wont remember.'' 

My dad entered the room and looked confused and looked as if he was about to question the man, but before he could even do that Gilbert ran out of the house and drove away.


''Yes, honey?? Who was that?'' 

''Do you have a distant brother?'' I asked, giving him a concerned but scared look.

''Ah, yes. I do. I haven't seen him for many years because he has done many bad deeds. He last saw you when you were a baby. I won't tell you what he had done, if you want to know when you're a bit older I might.''

''Okay, well he gave me a teddy bear.'' I replied, relieved to hear it was actually my uncle.

I didn't question anything else and went straight to bed after saying goodbye to all of my family. I awoke a few hours later to a beeping sound, and immediately looked to the corner of my room where the noise was coming from. I turned my lamp on and walked to the corner, terrified but trying to find out where the beeping sound was. I then realized. 

It was the teddy bear that was making the noise.

I got the scissors out of a draw in my desk immediately and practically ripped the bear into pieces, revealing a red flashing light looking as if it was a camera. I yelled my dads name and instantly showed him the bear. We called the police and just days later we realized that the man who claimed to be my ''uncle'' was a friend of my real uncle and they both planned to do something extremely bad to harm me, my dad and my mom. My dad never liked him, he did many bad things which I will not share for personal reasons. But later in the year they were both arrested for stalking and murder. That's all I will share.


This story is not true, it's not a real crime case if it seems like one and I just want to clarify this to the people who may want to do research. Although this is made up, unfortunately there is people out there that may do this and it is extremely insane.

Thank you for reading this! :)

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