Babe I'm gonna be meeting the summer I turned pretty cast i can't believe this

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At night
I got in the shower and i get dressed and do my makeup and all of that

Everything is the same Paige- babe you almost ready Jaden- yeah He walks out the bathroom and then we get in my car and hold hands on the way to the trailer release for the summer I turned prettyPaige- babe I'm meeting the summer I turned pretty c...

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Everything is the same
Paige- babe you almost ready
Jaden- yeah
He walks out the bathroom and then we get in my car and hold hands on the way to the trailer release for the summer I turned pretty
Paige- babe I'm meeting the summer I turned pretty cast i can't believe this
Jaden- try not to die when you talk to Christopher Briney
Paige- no promises
Jaden- fair enough
We pull up at the place and we walk in and we grab a pomegranate margarita and talk to all of our friends when I see Lola
Paige- Jaden look
He looks
Jaden- calm down that means Christopher Briney is here baby
Paige- I'm calm
We see Chris walk out of the bathroom
Paige- Jaden Jaden Jaden Jaden Jaden Jaden Jaden Jaden
Jaden- what babe
Paige- look
He looks
Jaden- ok now you actually gotta calm down
We all go outside
Jenny- welcome to the Summer I turned pretty trailer release are y'all excited
Everybody screams and the trailer starts and we watch it and then once it's done we meet the whole cast
Rein- I am OBSESSED with your hair
Paige- I'm obsessed with you
We swap phone numbers same with me and Lola and Jaden's swaps number with Chris and Gavin and then we go back home after leaving and we go to sleep after I take my makeup off and put on comfortable clothes

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