is it just me?

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is it just me?
or are we on the verge of tripping over our self-worth,
basking in the unseen beauty of being valued,
but only believing in immorality and our mistakes.

is it just me?
or do we feel like we're never enough,
we're wholly sore but expected to be more,
now exceedingly so, it sometimes hurts to try.

is it just me?
or are we overburdening ourselves,
just so we can match those far-kept expectations,
the hardships? were they too painful to be true?

is it just me?
or from being we, it has become you and i,
the apparent differences, the constant comparison,
am i not allowed to be who i really am?

is it just me?
or is the world fading in the whirlpool of expected calibre?
glory, grandeur, greatness was gold to their needy eyes,
what a riddle this was, and so to the heavens i ask, why?

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