Y/n was making her way down the stairs with her trunk. "Has anyone seen Dobby?" asked Y/n entering the kitchen to see her parents. "I've been calling him for almost twenty minutes?"

"I think he's out watering the roses." said Narcissa. Y/n made a face, turning back to her trunk.

"Are you ready?" asked her father. She nodded, grabbing her trunk. They four of them side apparated onto platform 9 3/4.

"Ah, Hogwarts." smiled Y/n. Draco rolled his eyes, throwing his trunk on the train.

"We'll see you soon." said Narcissa kissing the top of their heads. Y/n entered the train with Draco who seemed to be in a bad mood.

"What's the matter, Draco." asked Y/n pulling her little brother into an empty compartment.

"Nothing." he said.

"What's the matter?" asked Y/n once again. "Is it Potter and his little friends again?"

Draco stood silent.

"Dray, look." said Y/n in front of him. She placed her hands on his shoulder and smiled. "They are not better than you. You've got so much magic running through you that you'll always be special. You were so excited to start Hogwarts last year, you should be just as excited—"

The door opened, two tall ginger boys stood there. Y/n stood up straight looking at Fred and George Weasley. "Oh, looks like this compartment is taken, Fred." said George Weasley.

"Hm, all I see is snakes." said Fred. Y/n moved her hair out of her face, nodding her head.

"Watch out then because we bite." said Y/n grabbing her wand.

"What's happening here?" said Adrian tilting his head. Fred and George glanced at another and snorted.

"More snakes." said Fred walking past Adrian. Y/n groaned, rolling her eyes.

"I cannot stand them!" said Y/n turning towards Draco who sighed. She squeezed his cheek and smiled. "Remember what I said, Draco. Why don't you go and find Theodore or Blaise. I'll see you later."

"Okay." said Draco leaving the compartment. Adrian turned to Y/n, tilting his head.

"I have a feeling it's going to be an interesting year." said Y/n sitting down. Adrian shook his head, turning back towards the door.

"You can always tell Bulstrode to give them detention." Adrian said sitting back.

"What do you mean?" asked Y/n tilting her head.

"He's been made a prefect." chuckled Adrian. "I saw him making his way towards the prefect compartments, said he was going to come looking for you after."

"Hm." said Y/n raising an eyebrow. "He almost kissed me the other day."

"Oh?" said Adrian raising an eyebrow. "You're going to let him be your first kiss?"

"Not until he asks me to be his girlfriend." said Y/n.

"Smart girl." said Adrian. Y/n rolled her eyes.

"Here we are!" said Miles standing at the doorway with Graham. "There's my favorite girl!"

"Watch out, Miles." laughed Graham. "We don't want Bulstrode to hear you say that about his girlfriend."

"He'll be okay." said Miles wrapping his arm around Y/n who chuckled.

"Y/n was just saying she'll let him kiss her." said Adrian closing the door. Graham and Miles turned to look at her.

Pinky Promise (Y/nMalfoy X Fred Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now