chapter 1😍😍

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(This about edward past when he turned to a frog #ripedward)

*edwards pov😍*

"Where is redz ugh" said edward until he heard something to turn seeing redz getting attacked by a frog monster

*edwards groan* "Dang it why do you always need to be saved REDZ" said edward.

And then edward ran to the monster and kicked it "are you okay redz?" Said edward and redz nods

*the monster standed up getting ready to attack and edward getted ready* "HOW DARE YOU HIT MY FRIEND" edward said while yelling" 

(time skip:After the monster fought edward the monster ended up winning and put a curse on him)

Edward woke up as a frog and realised and tried to look for help till he saw redz

*edward wrote in a piece of paper saying 'Hey help me i got cursed!'*

Redz said: "are you okay dude?"

Edward tried to talk but failed and wrote in a paper saying 'im not help me lift this curse BRO'

redz thinked a way but failed and said to edward "sorry i dont think there a cure for this curse to be lifted at all cost.."

edward look at redz sad

(After a few year during the samurai ranger turning to a super samurai)

Edward sat down in the fallen log alone till he saw a human and hid in fear and saw a human and follow him

And edward decided to follow a human named jayden to his house and stayed hidden

Edward happily jumps getting founded by a samurai ranger
and jumps high to jayden shoulder and saying ribbit 3x
and sees that the other came back and edward jump in the cage in fear cause there a lot of people

And edward was wonder why jayden was in the middle of forest looking bruised

Edward slept till next morning

(Time skip:edward woke up in the middle of night)

Edward woke up to hear their was noise even tho it was dark he was in the frog cage and the edward jump from cage and jumped to the kitchen

Edward was very hungry
He checked the kitchen to see a prepared bread and edward ate the bread bit by bit and saw someone came and hid

"Aw man someone ate my toast" mike said while look at it with a sad face but saw footprints

Edward ran to the cage and pretend to sleep and mike when to check up on edward the cursed frog and seen still sleeping "oh he is sleeping" mike said it quietly and when to make another toast

(Another time skip: Next morning)

Edward sat down as a frog hearing the other talk even though they dont know

Edward said "ribbit ribbit" (cause he a frog yk?) Mia noticed edward woken up from his sleep and mia when to the frog giving it bread and edward ate the bread since he was hungry

After a while the samurai team when out and fought the nightlock (did i spell it correctly?)

Edward was staying in the cage bored while seeing master ji doing busy stuff snd edward so bored he decided to jump out and grabbed paper to write a note and put it in the cage and then edward jump farly to the busy street and when to a building roof and enjoy the cold breeze from the air

Edward saw the samurai ranger fighting but wanna help but cant at all and worried if they could win or no

So edward ran away to the shiba house and hopped to the frog cage
And sleeps

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