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Play lover song by ~ Taylor swift

After 7yrs 8 Oct....

It's a day before Teja's 2nd baby shower at night when teja is coming from Karthikay's room to her bedroom where karan is already waiting for her while scrolling his phone with a beautiful smile then she ask

Teja: what are watching Sunny

Kk: nothing just watching our marriage pictures my life takes 360 degree u turn just after your presence in my life you just completely change it and now when I think how my life was few years back it was like black and white but right now you made my life full of colours just like a rainbow thank you for giving me my lifelines along with you I just can't explain how much happy you make me everyday

Teja: yes I am truly lucky to have you and our family they all are just love if they were not with me it's was too difficult to handle Kartik and right now I am pregnant again in the first place itself they help me a lot and you and our family are always been so supportive towards me and my career then never stop me from doing anything, I think I am Bappa's ( lord Ganesha) favourite child that's why he gave this beautiful family and then our kids ( kk start making face because she did not include him ) but offcourse this is all because of you karan you are sun of my life without you how can we have our Sunshines

( she winks at him and in return karan shows his beautiful dimpled smile that make tejasswi's heart flatter )

Kk : I never thought you will become this much vocal about your feelings in start I have to put soo much effort to make you fall for me you were truly tough nut to crack

Teja : no no no .. it's all about the right person at right time karan you were with me when I need you the most I can't even explain in words how much I am grateful to have you for my whole life

( happy tears start to form in her eyes )

Kk : hey hey !! Teju don't become a cry baby again oky now you are cure from you that allergy from tears but still please don't cry what will our kids think of ther mumma that she looks like a fat panda while crying with red cheeks

( he just distracted her from getting emotional in these past years he make sure that she will not shread a single drop of tear. He is best son , husband and now a dad too )

Teja : haww you call me fat !! Now look baby your father doesn't love me anymore he finds me fat ( she again started crying agrhh these pregnency hormones kicking her )

Kk : I am sorry no no you are not fat I am such a stupid to call you that please don't cry think about your health oky if you Stop crying then I will let you eat ice cream

Teja : instantly stoped like she was not crying before really give me now now

Kk : no not now tomorrow you can have it I will personally give you now let's tomorrow we have to attend your baby shower so sleep on time and baby don't trouble your mama let her sleep and come fast I know my princess is a good girl and I'll get you soon ( he talk to her baby bump then place a soft kiss over their )

Teja think ( just how fast the night changes first we were friends , then strangers then colleague then husband wife and finally we are parents to two kids oky soon when we had Karthikay's in our arms I still remember the happiness on Karan's face is priceless people say man have a soft corner for their little princess but he equally loves his champ, our Karthik is a carbon copy of his dad very intelligent and responsible according to his age but this father son duo always talk like adult then Play like a toddler crazy !! My thoughts broke when karan slightly shake my shoulder)

Kk : teju what where you thinking just sleep tomorrow is a big day for our family you need to have you beauty sleep, oky sleep now ( then he gently kissed on her forehead )

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