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For the next few days, Hebe felt like she was glowing with happiness. Every morning she woke up with a smile on her face as she looked at the orchid from Mags sitting on her coffee table. She was certain nothing could get her down, not even having to read the drivel Ambrosia came up with.

Her reading of the speeches definitely improved, and now she was able to get through it without wanting to toss the cards away and insist she didn't believe any of it. At points she even sounded enthused by the speeches.

The Districts had definitely been disappointed by the fact she hadn't continued making speeches like she had in 11. Not that she thought her speech there was particularly moving or motivational, but nonetheless she felt guilty about it. But what was she supposed to do?

Of course, it was easier to push her way through Ambrosia's cue cards when she didn't have any relation to the other tributes. She hadn't known any of their names, barely recognising the faces that were projected onto the screens.

However, the bliss of ignoring the fact that anyone suffered in the games wouldn't last for much longer, and Hebe knew it would be entirely shattered by the time she got to District 3, the first District where she was responsible for a tributes death.

Then it was 2, where there would certainly be some mixed opinions about her, as well as the fact she would have to confront her allies face on that board.

And finally it was 1, where they would hate her too. She had killed Verity, and couldn't exactly pretend to hold any love for Augustus after he slaughtered her district partner. Hebe would be surprised if they didn't boo her off the stage.

Then the touring part was over and she was resigned to wait out her fate in the Capitol, the lingering threat of Snow's promise hanging over her like some kind of deadly fog, waiting to pull her into its embrace.

Yet, she was resigned to her fate. She had no choice, she had been set on this path (unknowingly of course) from the moment she raised her hand at the reaping. Snow was always going to get her to do something for him, she should be glad he hadn't concocted some other evil scheme to destroy her.

There was one positive of going to the Capitol of course, and that was her performance. She felt guilty for being so excited about it, well aware that she shouldn't be happy about celebrating other children's deaths, but she couldn't help herself. It had been Hebe's dream since she was a child to play in the Capitol. Before she found out it was impossible, she had once wanted to move there and become part of one of the many orchestras they had there. This dream was crushed when she was around 9, but a small part of her had been relit when she remembered about her need for a talent outside of killing.

The gift Finnick had given her didn't help either. It was truly a beautiful thing, lovingly carved and engraved. She couldn't believe it was made entirely by hand. Even the shoulder rest was hand sewn, and the rosin wrapped in beautiful velvety fabric.

It was the most thoughtful gift anyone had ever given her. To be honest, (aside from the orchid) it was the first gift she had received in a long time. Not that Annie and her mother didn't try to buy her things, but she always insisted that she didn't want anything. She'd never really understood the point. From Hebe's perspective, they were too expensive, and half of the time you never ended up with something you really wanted. It was a waste of time and money for her to get presents, although strangely this sentiment didn't apply when it was gifts for other people.

But when she opened that case and saw what was inside, she suddenly understood why people like gifts so much. He listened to her talk about something she loved and enjoyed, and bought her something that would bring her joy in turn, not just something to show off to other people. No, it was personal, and that was why it mattered.

Calm Before The Storm {Finnick Odair}Where stories live. Discover now