Chapter 3

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"Please say something."

Sarah looked at him before taking a sip of her drink.

"I know it's pretty odd lalo na kasi kaninang umaga lang tayo nag meet, but so far I've enjoyed your company. Meeting each other three times in a span of a few hours is pretty remarkable, don't you think so? Who knows if this is ever gonna happen again?" Matteo continued to talk when Sarah kept quiet.

"Matteo, thank you for the offer, but I think I'd like to stick to my original plan and do this on my own."

He knew it was a long shot but he was still disappointed by her refusal because a huge part of him was hoping she would take him up on his offer. "Yes, of course, Sarah. Sorry for being too forward," he said with a smile to hide his disappointment.

"I admire you for not being afraid to ask. Maybe next time, kung magkaron ulit tayo ng chance to meet and you ask me again, I'll take you up on that offer," she said, returning a smile.

"But, if you ever change your mind overnight, the offer still stands. Mag hike ako along highway 93 tomorrow and see the falls in the afternoon, tapos aalis na ako to drive to Vancouver the day after. I'll be having breakfast at the bakery in town tomorrow morning at eight."

"Hm, persistent," Sarah pointed out with a chuckle.

"Yes, ma'am, this guy doesn't know how to give up," Matteo replied with a big smile, the corners of his eyes wrinkling as he did. "I'll be at the corner bakery," he reminded her.

"Kumain ka na lang dyan, your food's getting cold," Sarah said as she shook her head and smiled back at him. She took a bite of her food and took a quick glance at the stranger-turned-acquaintance-turned-somewhat-friend who was sitting across from her. Matteo was happily eating, oblivious to the meaningful stare she was giving him.

For some reason, she was fascinated by him. He seemed like the happy-go-lucky type of guy to her, but she could see a lot of substance in him as they engage in deeper conversations. Had the circumstances been different, Sarah knew they had the potential to become good friends.

Matteo cleared his throat, taking Sarah out of her thoughts. She didn't realize she was playing with her food while in deep thought. "Are you okay?"

"Ah, yeah, I'm good," she answered with a tight smile.

"Lalim nun ah."

"Hm? Ng alin?"

"Ng iniisip mo. Are you starting to reconsider my offer?" Matteo teased with a grin.

"Give it up, Matteo," Sarah answered with a chuckle.

"Nope, I don't give up that easily."

Though he was still hopeful and he really wasn't the type to give up easily, Matteo let the topic go to not overwhelm Sarah with his offer. He decided to just enjoy the fact that she was letting him tag along for the rest of the day. The more time they spent together, the more he wanted to get to know her. Although, as much as he wanted to, he stopped himself from doing so because he could tell Sarah had a pretty sturdy wall up to keep people out.

Matteo was captivated by her striking beauty and mysterious aura. He was struck with the strong personality she showed when they met at the lake, but became even more interested when he had the chance to share a meal with her. She seemed more timid and exuded elegance and sophistication in the way she carried herself. As the day went on, his fascination with her intensified but he opted not to ask too many questions and focused on enjoying the moment with her.

The next day came and Matteo arrived at the bakery at 7:30 in the morning. He sat and waited, still hopeful that Sarah changed her mind and would suddenly show up.

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