And We Begin...

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*If you may read upon my death. Take it upon yourself to enjoy and take pleasure. It would amuse me to know upon my passing that some poor sap had learned of my great adventures. *

I was born in a majestic place. Far more gorgeous than anyone could ever imagine. Or what I think anyone could imagine. It was a place some only dreamed of. A life some wished to have. My parents are two extraordinarily rich, young individuals who never knew what it was like to have truly little. As they gained more and more, storing away riches. They had worked together to create the only celebrated company that sold buggies and chariots. If you could imagine, although I doubt you can, we live above a large hill with grass twixt fine-looking trees. Ill say further down the hill other mansions stand. They are not as large or as stunning as our mansion but they are perfect for where we live. 

These other boards with ill-favored bricks do not look unattractive enough that we would need to build a wall. A wall to serve the purpose of ceasing ones eyes to look upon them and they are not so astonishing that they made our mansion look repulsive in comparison. Nonetheless, I will soon be the owner and sole proprietor of everything my parents own. By some hand of fate my mother was unable to conceive any more children after I was born, so I know no other brothers and sisters. Simply good old wonderful me. I am not in any way complaining about this. Why would I want to have brothers and sisters and share this fortune with them?

Yes, I wish you could see me in person. My clothing! My room! The things I will own in the future. You would most likely pray to some divine being to be like one such as myself or even have a tenth of what I own. You may be reading this and thinking what an annoying, arrogant, young snob this man is. And I would reply saying... Thank You! I have no problem with admitting what I am in all my splendor and glory. Everyone knows that I am "uppity". But when you are the upper crust should you not be so? 

Let us have a little tour of my beautiful home. You are probably just reading what I am writing right now, so you cannot see what I live like. If you were here you would be astonished at true beauty, real magnificence, wonder, awe, and everything so remarkable you could not even consider or dream of in your own limited imagination. Just think of this as my own little diary. A sneak peek into everything that makes me so marvelous. My own little story about me. The great and oh so wonderful Rafael Thaddeus...

How To Survive In A Dump: The Diary of Mr. ThaddeusKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat