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I wake up early feeling refreshed. I brush my teeth and wash my face. I decide to wear blue baggy jeans and a white bow tie shaped shirt along with some white sneakers. I then go to Rosie's room and knock on her door

"Rosie, it's me Dahlia" I say
"Coming" she says back

She opens the door and I ask her if she knows any good cafes around and she tells me 10 give her 10 minutes and invites me inside

Her room is covered in fairy lights and plants. I notice a renaissance painting on her wall of two women kissing

"Historians would say that they were best friends" Rosie says from behind me
"Definitely" I say
We burst out laughing

We finally arrive at Angels Cafe and oddly enough its empty.
The waiter takes our orders, I order hazelnut cappuccino and a slice of chocolate cake and Rosie orders a bacon sandwich.

We sit at the back seats of the cafe and
I ask Rosie about the painting in her room

" I'm bisexual but I like women more, they are prettier, gentler and softer"  she says with a wink

Finally our orders arrive and as I'm enjoying my chocolate cake, a bunch of young men walk in and boy are they loud. I look at Rosie and she rolls her eyes

"That's the England football team, they think that they are so high and mighty since everyone treats them like royalty" she says clearly irritated

We continue eating but oh my word  these boys are loud. I stand up and say

"Excuse me but could you keep it down, some of us are trying to have a conversation but we can't even hear what ourselves think"

Suddenly there was a pindrop silence and everyone looks at me

"Are you some kind of crazy fan?" A dreadhead says

"Excuse me? I don't even know who the hell you are" I say

"Well if you aren't a crazy fan stalking us, care to explain how you got in here because this cafe is reserved for the England football team today" one of them says

"Through the door and there is no sign says reserved for ego inflated men ourside"  I snap

"Wait a minute, I remember said Jude was built like the hulk yesterday at the airport" the dreadhead says and laughs

Suddenly heads turn to face someone and I instantly recognise him...its the boy from the airport. Can the ground just swallow me whole right now?

"If it isn't Miss clumsy, after bumping into me and indirectly calling me the hulk, you still have the nerve to show up here" he says with a sweet smile which contradicts what he just said

"Do you perhaps own the Cafe, Mr Hulk?" I say

"No, but since its reserved for us, you can leave" he says with another sweet smile

"No" I say

"What do you mean know" he says with a shocked expression

"I mean no, you wanna hear it in setswana? Nnya."

"Okay" he says

He goes back to talking to his friends who have been watching the whole exchange in silence

Me and Rosie finish eating and as we are about to go out of the cafe, a hand grabs my hand its Mr Hulk

'The name's Jude by the way, what's your's Miss clumsy?" he says with the widest smile on his face

"Well that's for me to know and you to find out" I tell him and walk out of the cafe, I can still hear the "ohhhs" from his friends or teammates or whatever they are

When we are two blocks away from the call academy Rosie turns to me and yells


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