Interviews with Wattpad's Blood.

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1.Me: What books are you currently writing on wattpad?

1.Joe: I just finished "Cold" and I am working on "Unseen Surrealities." I dont

have many plans to finish "The Book of the Joe," which is a mythology

project I started three years ago. I also have a couple ideas in the make, but I figure I'll do one at a time.

2.Me: What/who inspired you to become an author?

2.Joe: I guess in a sense every author that my English teacher made me study about. I came to Wattpad to read a friend's story, and that led me to want to impress people with my own stuff. Thus, Joeman the Writer was born.

3.Me: What gave you the idea for your book?

3.Joe: I don't know what gave me the idea for any of my books. Some came in dreams, some came through watching too many movies, and some came simply because I was told I was being graded on it.

4.Me: What do you do to help you write a story?

4.Joe: I stare at the computer screen, maybe turn on some music. In fact, you can find a playlist on my profile... it's constantly updated. In a sense, it fuels me, as well as having an abundant stash of food next to my computer...

5.Me: What do you do when you get Writer's Block? What do you like to

snack on when you write stories?

5.Joe: When I get Writer's Block, I watch movies, do anything but the story. In other words, procrastination. The best thing to get me back on track is to give me a deadline, and then I do it five minutes prior. Joking, of course. More like two hours. I'll snack on chips, crackers, whatever is considered junk food. Sometimes I even bring down full meals. But as far as drinks go, it ranges all over the place. Tonight, for example, I blended a Baileys Irish Milkshake, and had a Guinness after that. I'm such a good Irish American...

6.Me: What are your inspirations/influences?

6.Joe: Inspiration... well, it depends on the quality of the dream or the people who interact with me on a daily basis. My imagination does go wild, though. Influences, well... basically those I love. I write for them, in that sense.

7.Me: Do you write about characters with personalities simillar to people you know in real life?

7.Joe: Of course. I usually put myself in my stories; simply because either I am lazy and don't want to create a new persona, or because I am intrigued on how I would react to different situations.

8.Me: Do you have any kids?Pets?

8.Joe: I do not have any kids. that I know of. Nor pets.

9.Me: What's the most difficult part when you write books (beginning or ending)?

9.Joe: The ending is usually difficult, but the beginning will always be the hardest to pump out. It's about finding the captivation to keep readers reading, and finding that is very difficult; especially if you're part of the 10% minority on Wattpad. Being male does have its perks, though ;)

10.Me: Who are your favorite authors on wattpad?

10.Joe: Favorite Authors... well, the best way to find that out would be to check out my lists. I will say this though; I am in love with redhead_93's work. She makes my day.

11.Me:What do you want to tell your fans?

11.Joe: I want to tell my fans that they are awesome, and they should be sure to join my fan club on Facebook. After all, I am awesome too and I love them all.

That concludes the first interview,with Joeman.

Im goin to sleep and will put up the next 'Interview with Wattpad's Blood' Tomarrow.

Interviews with Wattpad's Blood.Where stories live. Discover now