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It was a drizzly evening when you visited the park. You needed a break from work, and decided you'd get some fresh air by walking down by the local pond.

Spring had always been your favourite time of year. When the flowers bloomed, and the weather was beginning to grow warm.

You stood with your umbrella hanging over your head, protecting you from the light rain. You stared down at your reflection in the water, deep in thought as the droplets made little splashes to alter your image.

It had been 1 month since The Goblin King had taken you and Tobey to his Kingdom. Every time you woke up, you felt disoriented and wondered if escaping had simply been a dream, and that you would truly wake up back by Jareth's side. You tried not to dwell on what would have happened if the timer ran out, and Sarah had been unsuccessful in her attempts.

Jareth had wanted you by his side for eternity. And that frightened you more than anything.

Sarah wasn't the first to wish her little brother away, and you knew she wouldn't be the last. The Goblin City was full of Goblins, meaning Jareth was called upon frequently by others before Sarah. It was a wonder that he had chosen you to rule by his side, a 19 year old girl with simple aspirations in life.

A flutter of wings caught your attention.

You tilted your umbrella slightly and looked into the tree, now spotting a gorgeous barn owl perched on a branch sheltered by leaves. You blinked at it, wondering why it was staring so intensely down at you.

Perhaps it thought you were mad for standing out in the rain and staring at the water.

You approached it slowly, smiling gently at the beautiful bird. It stayed very still, it's eyes glued to you, watching your every move. While you felt somewhat weirded out by its stare, you figured owls always had that ability to cast such a feeling.

Its eyes were the most mesmerising. Mismatched and deeply filled with emotion.

But, where did you recognise those eyes from?

You remind me of the babe
What babe?

You reached your hand up, the tips of your fingers brushing gently against the owls feathers. It nuzzled close to your hand, snuggling into your touch and seeming to savour the very moment.

The babe with the power
What power?

A glass ball rolled through the wet grass, and it stopped down by your feet after nudging you in attention. You paused your fussing over the owl, taking the chance to look down at the mysterious object. You leaned down and picked it up, your eyes widening in immediate recognition.

The power of voodoo
Who do?

A white mist clouded the inside. You blinked rapidly at it, feeling a wave of dejavu.

You do.
Do what?

The owl suddenly started to flap its wings. You looked back up at it, gasping loudly as it flew at you. Glitter splashed in your face. You stumbled, letting go of the umbrella and letting it drop unceremoniously to the ground. You furiously rubbed at your eyes.

And when you reopened your eyes.

Jareth was standing in front of you.

Remind me of the babe.

~ End ~

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