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ok so this one's weird i don't like it that much but tell me what you think 🤷🤷

Some say blondes have more fun. Nico says blondes are more fun. They are just goofy and silly and inject fun into life. Ever since he met his beautiful blonde boyfriend, he's had a reason to live. He wasn't sure if he was going to be able to survive before, but now...he loved living. Will greets him every morning with a kiss, which is a wonderful way to start a day. Will dips him backwards until they fall over in a fit of giggles. They go to breakfast together and sit down at the Apollo table. At this point no one questions it, and none of the Apollo kids care. They like Nico. He's funny and he makes Will so happy. Will and Nico are everyone's favorite couple besides maybe Percy and Annabeth. They always team up together for everything, whether it be Capture the Flag, or sword fights. Hazel is always getting Iris messages from Nico about his boyfriend, and all about their dates. Will is his blonde, his and only his. His portable sunshine.

Nico is sitting at the Apollo table next to Will. He has his head propped up on his hands with his elbows on the table. Will is telling a story. Nico's not really listening like the other kids, he's watching. Will is smiling and laughing and using his hands a lot as he talks. Nico watches him giggle and smile and his heart melts. Will is so excited about whatever this story is, he's glowing. Nico smiles. Will looks at him. He says something but Nico doesn't know what, he's busy daydreaming. Will waves his hand in front of Nico's face. He blinks and shakes his head.
"Hello? Are you awake?" Will laughs.
"Uh, yeah....I am."
"Whatever, he wasn't paying attention, but if he was, he would totally vouch for me. Anyway..." and Will launches back into the story, letting Nico continue to daydream about his boyfriend.

325 words

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