Chapter 35

136 28 4

Zina's POV

The smell of my perfume announced my presence making everyone snap there heads to the staircase

"As'salamualaikum Ina wuni" I greeted with a very fake smile making sure to make everyone know it is fake especially when my eyes landed on ammar

"Lafiya qalu zinatu ya kike (fine zinatu how are you)" hajiya hassana aka maman ammar answered ignoring my fake smile

"Alhamdulilah" I quietly replied as I sat on the chair opposite of hers but the glare I received from mama was enough to make me slid down and sit on the floor

"Ba ki ga ammar bane (did'nt you see ammar) " mama asked gesturing him with her hand

"Sannu da zuwa (welcome)" I simply greeted not sparing him a glance

"Yauwa zinatu" he replied applying pressure on my name making me roll my eyes and say

"It's zeenah not ZINATU" I glared at him and he nervously scratched his head that's when I remembered mama was close to me so I bowed my head down

"Zeenah why don't you go to kitchen and get some refreshments for our guests" mama mocked and I got up with my head still bowed down and headed to the kitchen

I grabbed 6 cups in case fadil and sofi comes back, a jug of zobo and a plate of spring rolls and samosa. I placed everything on a tray and head out after breathing in a couple of times

I served everyone and sat down on the carpet again,i don't get why ammar is sitting on a chair and I'm sitting on the floor, I silently hissed and continued munching on my spring rolls

''Zeenah why don't you take ammar to the garden'' mama ordered and I obeyed heading for the door that leads to the garden not bothering to check if he is behind or not, I'm sure the length of my mouth can reach Kaduna because of the way I was pushing it out of annoyance

I huffed in annoyance as I sat on the sofa in the garden

"So....'' he said trying to start a conversation with me but I ignored him and continued reading a novel on  wattpad called 'Jidderh'

"Look I know what I did to you in the past was unacceptable and all but the past is in the past why can't you just let bygones be bygones" he said making me scoff

"Say something" he whisper-yelled starting to get annoyed by my silence

"Look amir-"

"It's ammar not amir" he gritted out, I know his name is ammar not amir of course i just want to get him pissed off

"Whatever ever your name is i don't care, what you did was unacceptable how can you kiss me for goodness sake not even kiss you tried to rape me when I was just 13 for goodness sake if not for zainab you wouldn't have stopped" I glared at him harshly

"I didn't try to rape to you!!! Can you stop overreacting I just kissed you" he yelled angrily

"Yes you may have not tried to rape me but you snatched my first kiss away! I wanted my first kiss to be with my husband not you!! You aren't even my halal and mind you I will keep telling everyone that you tried raping me when I was 13 even though I know you didn't,next time think before you kill vanilla! You murderer" I yelled back,i know you must be wondering who vanilla is, vanilla was my cat when I was 12 but this monster sitting opposite to me let her starve to death while I was on a trip, I came back from my trip only to find a dead cat

I got up and headed straight to my room ignoring mama's calls

I dialed ayman's number because I've missed him so much

"Hello" his voice sounded hoarse

''Hi ayman how are you" I nervously asked which made him scoff and i adjusted my position on the bed

"How do you think? But Alhamdulilah I'm still breathing in oxygen and breathing out carbon dioxide" he sighed

"Okay, I'm sorry about everything ay-"

"It's okay, I'd rather have you break up with me than leading me on" ayman cut me off

"Yeah,i hope we can be friends as times goes on, you know the saying.....'' I trailed off waiting for him to reply

"Times heals everything" he completed making me smile

"So what's up or did you call to check up on me" ayman asked raising a brow

I sighed before narrating everything that happened.......

Author's POV
Kaduna, Nigeria
9:07 am

"Adnan can you eat any faster please! I can't wait to get out of this country'' Mahmoud glared at his best friend who was taking his sweet time devouring his meal

"Hey! Breakfast is the most important meal of the the day I can't rush it" Adnan replied gulping down the water that was beside him

"Okay let's go" Adnan said standing up and dusting off his clothes even though nothing was on it

''Umm Mahmoud this place to you is a village but where we are also going is a village so it will be ten times worse than this" Adnan warned his friend because he knows how he likes complaining

"I know that's why the moment we meet my queen we leave" Mahmoud said his eyes glued to his phone

"We can't speak their language so I downloaded a translator" Mahmoud added when he was done downloading the translator

"Let's test it, umm please can you say something in your language" Adnan asked their driver

"Toh mai Ku ke so na ce" the man spoke into the phone his eyes not leaving the road even for a second

"Okay what do you guys want me to say" the phone translated making Adnan to smile while Mahmoud's face remained expressionless

27 minutes later

"We are here" the driver announced stopping in front of a mud house that looked like the moment it rains the house will collapse

Kids have already gathered around the car looking at it while some were touching it cause the have seen anything like it

Mahmoud and Adnan exited the car and entered the house with a salam, their strong manly colognes have already started to fill the small compound

A fair lady who is about the age of 18 came out and answered their salam making Mahmoud's heart to thump loudly because....................

Yoo boo's
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