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Author's pov

"You!" Kim Hyunbin shouted as soon as he walked into the CEO's cabin of Jeon Industries

"What a surprise Mr. Kim. After eight years. That's long. So.. what brings you here today?" Jeon Jungkook, the CEO of Jeon Industries asked and intervined his fingers together and kept it on the table before leaning forward a little as he looked at the alpha with a stotic face

"I- I.. *clear throat* I am actually here to ask you to help me with my company" Kim Hyunbin said as he took a deep breathe before taking a seat infront of the CEO

"And why would I?" The CEO asked nonchalantly as he leaned back on his expensive leather chair

"*deep breathe* Please.. Mr. Jeon.. my company needs your help" Kim Hyunbin requested as he looked at the CEO with pleading eyes

"You know Mr. Kim. In this business world there is always a give and take method. So.. what do I get in return?" The powerful CEO asked and saw how Mr. Kim took out his handkerchief to wipe his sweat which only made him scoff internally

"My son" Mr. Kim said without thinking twice

"Isn't your son an alpha? And that too married?" The CEO asked with a raised eyebrow

"He is nothing but a disappointment. We thought he is an alpha but turns out that he is an alphanian omega and that's why he divorced his wife just after a week of marriage. I am ashamed of him.. but whatever. He is all I got to offer" Mr. Kim said rolling his eyes while the CEO sat on his spot, frozen

"So a marriage contract... Huh?" The CEO asked , voice deepening a bit

"Yeah. Atleast that would save my company and our family will get rid of such a disappointment" Mr. Kim said and mumbled the last part but being an alpha , Jungkook clearly heard it and his jaw clenched up

"Fine. Only a court marriage. No fancy marriage" Jungkook agreed and stood up from his seat

"As if I would have walked that disappointment down the aisle" Mr. Kim mumbled under his breathe and stood up to shake hands with Jungkook

"Tomorrow at 10 am. Dot. At my office" Jungkook stated firmly and straightened his coat

"Yes. Mr. Jeon" Mr. Kim agreed and hurriedly walked out of the cabin while Jungkook walked up to the huge glass window inside his cabin, giving an amazing view of the whole Seoul

"Alphanian Omega.. hmm.." jungkook hummed and watched the busy city from the top floor of his office with his both hands inside his pocket


"Dad!" The loud voice caught Jungkook's attention as he looked up from the papers he was previously signing and saw Mr. Kim dragging his son inside his cabin while holding his elbow

"Shut up! And just do it!" Mr. Kim shouted at taehyung's face causing him to flinch. He can't believe his father is going to just marry him off to someone just to save his company

"Mr. Jeon" Mr. Kim called the CEO, turning towards him. Kim Taehyung , Kim Hyunbin's only son looked down not wanting to look at the CEO. Cursing at his so-called fate

Jungkook just stared at him for a while before nodding and then he motioning them to follow him. Mr. Kim again dragged Taehyung with himself , following jungkook to the court where Jungkook got married with Taehyung

What a destiny! The once ex-lovers are getting married because of the same man because of whom they were once separated..

When Taehyung saw the signature of his 'husband' with his glossy eyes he snapped his head up at him and just couldn't help but gape like a fish with a tear rolling down his cheek without his notice

Taehyung looked down after a while and wipped his tears before backing away and the registrar announced them as an official couple and then jungkook signed a deal with Mr. Kim and shook hands with him

How funny? Just a signature and Taehyung's whole life took a 180° turn. Looks like nothing is going to go according to his own wish. Not like anything have ever went the way he wanted but whatever... Being an alphanian omega seems to only be a curse for him except his twins. They are the only good thing that happened to taehyung


Brand new story with a new plot. Another short book will be published by the end of next week 😉

Is the chapter short?

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