Mine ✨ Meanie²✨

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I can't ever imagine Mingyu, Choi's baby to be acting all heartless cold or even flirty like the way I wrote him here but in a way it kinda fits him especially when he's with Wonwoo🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Anyways Enjoy✨✨

Wonwoo's POV

Someone please tell me what do you do when you find yourself tied on a damn king sized bed like a sacrifice in a luxurious bedroom that looks like it'll cost 2 of my kidneys to buy.

I pulled against the restraints and struggled in an attempt to escape but I guess whoever tied me here knew what they were doing.

"I'm seriously in deep shit trouble" I grumbled pulling the ropes harder.

Disappointment fills me after a few minutes of struggling like a worm and realisation dawns on me that I am going to end up getting rape or even tortured or killed and that's when I started breaking down in tears, screaming my lungs out and pulling the ropes till I had bruises on my wrist.

"Please..let me go!" I begged to whoever hears me. "Please!" I screamed. My throat hurts from yelling too much but at the moment I didn't care.


I slowly forced my eyes to crack open and let the lights blind me. I probably fell asleep after exhausting myself, every bone in my body aches like someone had crack them one by one. I tried to get up completely forgetting the fact that I was tied on the bed and to my surprise what answered me wasn't the restraints but rather a log, wait is this even a log?

I peered my eye down on my waist that was feeling the force of something muscular.....

"It's a hand....." I mumbled out stupidly, reaching down to run my fingers along it and daringly turn my head over to come face to face with a sleeping ang-devil.

Sleepily, I ran my fingers down, tracing the contours of his well-toned figure. His curly black hair framed a face with pale, smooth skin, adding an air of mystery to the morning haze before screaming out loud, yeah rest in peace my throat.

My scream pierced the stillness of the room, jolting him awake. His eyes slowly opened, meeting mine with a sly, knowing smirk. His curly black hair tousled from sleep framed a face that seemed unperturbed, almost amused by the abrupt disturbance. As I recoiled, startled by my own vocal outburst, he maintained that playful grin, as if reveling in the unexpected twist of the morning. The pale morning light filtering through the curtains added an eerie glow to the scene, intensifying the enigmatic aura that surrounded him.

"Who—" I started, my voice tinged with a mix of confusion and inquiry, but before I could finish my question, the an-devil bastard swiftly closed the gap between us with a sudden, impulsive kiss. The warmth of his lips on mine sent a wave of bewilderment through me and my body gave in momentarily halting any further queries. In that stolen moment, the room seemed to hold its breath, enveloped in a hushed intensity that left me both intrigued and disarmed.

"I hope that was your first" he questioned with his husky morning voice and I obediently nodded lost in trance.

I'm supposed to be kicking and yelling and questioning his actions but every inch of me is begging me to give in to this man in front of me and I begrudgingly listen to my inner intrusive thoughts. It's odd because it feels so naturally to give in to him like I was meant to do this, like my whole life was meant for this.

Wait- what am I saying?!

"Who the fuck are you!" I questioned harshly pushing him away from his. I was so lost in the moment that I hadn't realised he had snaked his hands round my waist and was kissing my neck.

"Is that important right now?" He replied rather dismissively inching himself closer to me. "You're beautiful" he whispered running his hands down my chest and my laggy brain only now registering the fact that I am naked.

"Pervert" I cursed wrapping the sheets round my body and defensively making distance between us. He let out a chuckle and sat up giving me a full view of his god- perverted body. I looked away blushing red while searching for an escape route.

"That's not how you're supposed to adress your mate, Darling" he replied putting on his clothes from wherever he was keeping them.

"Mate?" I questioned baffled by his words. He looked back at me for a moment before grabbing his coat and circling the bed leaning down to my ears.

"Yes you my dear" he said capturing my unwilling lips yet again. I sat there with complete confusion as I watch him leave the room.

"Mate....." I mumbled out tracing my lips with my fingers and blushing red.

Please imagine Mingyu like this

********************************Please imagine Mingyu like this

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This fits the mafia vibe best ahaha

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