✨(Bonus Chapter)✨

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*Alastor's POV*

She's peculiar.

Unlike any other mortal I've ever seen before. She possesses the power to SEE things that aren't supposed to be seen.

I knew it the first moment I saw her, when she was merely a child at knee height, looking up at me curiously.
Ah...I remember that night so well...as if it happened yesterday.

I had teleported my way to the earth realm to have some fun, but my teleportation accidently landed me in a dark forest, a forest that supposedly is magical. In a good, and very bad way.

I was confused, wondering how I could fix this, before I heard a little voice speak behind me saying one simple word.


I turned around in an instant to see a child wearing a pink Disney princess pajama zip up, clinging onto her stuffed Looney Toon rabbit as she stared at me, fear seen plainly in her little E/C eyes.

How was this possible, I had said to myself. How could a mortal see me? I hadn't given it permission too.
So how was it possible?

But then, it hit me.

I noticed how strangely, she glowed a slight blue, like an aura. And her voice sounded faraway, but close at the same time.

She wasn't actually here...
She, much like teleportation, astro projected herself to here. To this spot...where I stand.

Such raw power, rare, pure...oh how I admired it...and wanted it for myself.
But...I have limits. I do kill people, yes, but never, EVER, a child.

So I immediately pushed aside any thoughts or desires to claim her power for my own.
But there is one thing that always gnawed at me.

Why did she do this? Every night she came to this exact same spot, only to see me.
Its tricky, she could have part demon heritage in her blood, given the gift of seeing me, a demon.

Or...she was blessed a Divine gift from the Angels and God.
Two sides of this coin I hold in my hand.

An obvious fact became clear to me after a few years of this happening.

Y/N has no idea that she is actually astro projecting her soul to this spot, has no idea that I'm...real.
She believes it all to be a dream. Just a repetitive dream that she wishes would stop, only to have it put on pause occasionally whenever she swallows two of those little pills.

And I'm guilty of allowing her to believe it. Of telling her its only a dream.
How could I tell her that this is real? That some source of power beyond Heaven and Hell is forcing our paths to cross again and again.

Deep down, I wish it was a dream as well.
But it is not.

And now, Y/N is grown, and demanding to know the answers to which I barely know myself.

I do not know how much longer I can continue to play along with this lie.
I must discover the true meaning behind this.

And one day, when the time is right, I will tell her.
I only hope that when I do tell her, nothing bad will happen to Y/N.

✨Only In My Imagination✨ (Alastor x fem! reader love story) ✓ [COMPLETED] BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now