Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Gu Rong could hold his anger, but Uncle Gu could not. Their family Recently, she heard the sound of decoration upstairs. Gu Ying secretly went up to take a look and found that the doors and windows of Xihu's house had been replaced. When she asked the decoration workers, the other party only said that they seemed to have been sold. The owner of the household asked for the doors and windows to be replaced, but no one moved in. Intend.

After hearing this, Uncle Gu's family was sure that this was definitely done by the person who heard the news in advance. Why did they change the doors and windows? Naturally, they were afraid that the demolition would come out and the person selling the house would come to trouble. , if it were them, the first thing they would do after buying Gu Rong's house would be to change the door locks.

In addition, they have also inquired and found out that the east apartment on the sixth floor has indeed been sold. The housing supply will only become more and more tight, and the price may even increase.

Second Uncle Gu gritted his teeth and said, "That white-eyed wolf is really obsessed with money."

Gu Ying was also anxious. After all, her mother said privately, At that time, the compensated house will be allocated to her: "Dad, what should we do? You said she goes out every day, why didn't she die outside directly?"

Gu Ershu's eyes flashed The fierce light disappeared quickly: "Give her some sweetness first, and then coax her to handle the transfer first."

Aunt Gu asked: "How much money should I give her first? "

Uncle Gu felt his heart was bleeding and said: "Give her one million and sign a contract first. As long as we pay the remaining money, she must transfer the house to us. , otherwise we will be compensated 10 million."

Gu Ying muttered: "With so much money, what if she is still unwilling to handle the transfer?"

Gu The second uncle also had a plan in mind: "If we can coax her to handle the transfer, we will save money. If we can't coax her, we will give the money to her, and I will treat her as no longer a relative!"

Second Aunt Gu Asked: "What if she regrets the news of the demolition?"

Uncle Gu had already thought about this problem: "It is written in the contract that we will find a lawyer when the time comes. ."

Aunt Gu felt distressed when she thought about the cost of hiring a lawyer: "By the way, isn't Gu Rong's friend a lawyer? Just call her..."

"Are you stupid?" Uncle Gu interrupted his wife directly: "That's her friend, can you stop talking to her? Isn't the boy from Lao Li's family on the first floor studying law? They are all neighbors, ask him to come Help me."

Second Uncle Gu and his family agreed that this time they were afraid that Gu Rong would go out early again, so they knocked on the door at Gu Rong's house early in the morning.

Gu Rong opened the door quickly this time.

It was Aunt Gu who came, and she said without beating around the bush: "Xiao Rong, please come to our house, and we will talk about that matter."

Gu Rong raised his eyebrows, turned around, took the keys and mobile phone, closed the door and went upstairs with Aunt Gu.

After Gu Rong came in, Uncle Gu and Aunt Gu announced their plans: "We really can't afford so much money. Let's give you part of it first. We'll sign the contract at the end of September." We will give you the rest of the money before."

Uncle Gu has inquired, and the official notification will probably be made in August or September. Even those who are not well-informed should be informed in August. Knowing the news of the demolition, it would be best if Gu Rong can transfer the house before then. If not, then he can only pay out the money first and then find an opportunity to get it back from Gu Rong later.

Gu Rong didn't hesitate at all: "Impossible."

Second Uncle Gu said: "Don't refuse in a hurry, I'll discuss it with your second aunt. , how about 800,000? The remaining money will be given to you in mid-to-late October at the latest."

Gu Rong frowned: "One million and eighty thousand, the remaining 500,000 must be in July Pay it back at the end of the month."

Second Uncle Gu also said.

Gu Rong said directly: "It can't be calculated."

Secret Uncle Gu cursed Gu Rong in his heart, and could only agree: "This is not a small sum. I also have to raise money, why don't I wait for you to pick it up around four o'clock in the afternoon?"

Gu Rong couldn't let Uncle Gu and the others think this thing was too easy: "One day at most, if it can't be done today , I will let someone come to see the house tomorrow."

Second Uncle Gu agreed with a smile. After Gu Rong left, his face darkened and he cursed: "You little bastard is crying. Time."

Gu Ying snorted: "When she knows about the demolition, she will regret it."

Second Uncle Gu warned: "It's okay. Before this is done, if you dare to go out and talk nonsense, I will beat you to death."

Gu Ying muttered dissatisfied: "I know."

Gu Rong originally wanted to I was thinking about how to get Uncle Gu's family to pay back the money and make some money for turnover, but he didn't expect that he would show up at his door. I'm afraid that Uncle Gu didn't expect that he had planned it, and instead involved himself in the scheme.

Gu Rong drove outside the breakfast shop this time because he was going to get the buns. Uncle Wang and his wife were already waiting for Gu Rong, and greeted her happily when they saw her.

Uncle Wang and the others packed the buns in advance.

Gu Rong took out a large rectangular plastic frame from the trunk of the car. These were used to store fruits and vegetables. She washed them and dried them last night and was waiting to pack them today.

Uncle Wang and the others packed the things and helped Gu Rong carry the boxes into the car. Because there were so many things, not only the back seat of the trunk, but also the passenger seat.

Gu Rong found a big bag of tea eggs and pickles and asked: "Uncle Wang?"

Uncle Wang said with a smile: "I know you, little Gu Take care of us, these are all given to you."

The wholesale price and the retail price are different. Gu Rong did not mention it, but gave them according to the retail price. Uncle Wang and the others I am also grateful in my heart.

Gu Rong said: "I also paid for it."

Uncle Wang waved his hand: "Xiao Gu, hurry up and get busy."

Gu Rong reminded: "By the way, Uncle Wang must stock up on rice and noodles."

Uncle Wang said: "Don't worry, I called someone to deliver it yesterday." Gu Rong picked up the contract and read it carefully, and deliberately said: "The contract should state that 380,000 yuan is arrears. If The remaining 500,000 yuan cannot be given to me before July 31st. I will return 600,000 yuan to my second uncle's family. The 100,000 yuan is liquidated damages. I will not transfer the ownership with my second uncle until I receive all the money. "

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