A/N : Revelations

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All Revelations
1-Leon and Nita's true faces were seen! It was also noted that their hair colour is brown!
2-The first appearance of this mysterious purple gems that seem to be enchanted!
3-First example of what these deadly purple crystals can do! What's going to happen with them?
4-Yet another show of what these enchanted jewels can do, this time with a young kid. Exact reasons why Nita roared so loudly, as well as the powers of this gemstone, remain unclear.
5-It seems like these magical jewels are actually bringing out the fighting spirit in brawlers! Could this be what turned every brawler into the fighters we know today? For example, Poco got his magical guitar when he looked at the crystal, and Bull started to use his triple barrel shotgun and beat up people when he had eye contact with the crystal! Could looking at the crystal allow the enchantment to set in?
6-When Shelly observed the purple crystal, she suddenly flew into a rage and attacked Dynamike because she wanted to keep one. This effectively proves that brawlers get their will to fight from a glance at this enchanted crystal.
7-Just as I predicted, Dynamike, for the first time in history, respawned. This further proves my theory in the gems turning the people of Starr Park into the brawlers we know now.
8-Jacky must have looked at the crystals that Dynamike had found, became a brawler, and decided to mine the streets of Starr Park for her purple crystals! While doing so, she created our favourite cactus—Spike!
9-The story of how Spike was created. And I also believe this was when Colt became a brawler, given he looked at the mysterious purple crystals.
10-The creation of 8-Bit has been seen! But I can't help but feel that Dynamike and Jacky are planning something big...the duo have been leaving these crystals near inanimate objects and bringing them to life. So, could they be planning to create more brawlers in the future using this method?
11- The creation of Crow shows yet another non-human thing becoming a brawler. I wonder if this is Jacky and Dynamike's plan?
12-Looks like Starr Park has finally evolved into chaos.

Dynamike discovers some mysterious purple crystals that seem to be enchanted. Apparently, they can turn people into brawlers just when a person looks at them. We start with Dynamike being the very first, followed by Bull who finds a crystal dropped by Dynamike and beats everyone in his diner up. Then Leon gets it and has the ability to become invisible, followed by Nita who lets out an ear-splitting roar upon receiving it. Leon then drops it in Poco's hat, turning him into a skeleton who has a magical guitar, just like the Poco in-game. (I'm not sure whether Leon accidentally killed Poco) Shelly then gets her hand on a crystal and shoots Dynamike, resulting in Dynamike getting killed by an explosion. Then suddenly, Dynamike respawned, a characteristic that all brawlers in-game have. But this must have been the first appearance of it, for Shelly and Colt looked utterly shocked.

It is unclear when Jacky became a brawler, but she did and this resulted in her cracking all the streets to expose the purple jewels behind, bringing a cactus to life. Colt who passes by also becomes a brawler while staring at the crystals, shoots to eyes in the cactus which comes to life, creating Spike. Then, Dynamike created 8-Bit, unknown whether accidentally or on purpose. I then begin to suspect that Jacky's reason for drilling the ground to expose all the purple crystals is so that everyone will look at it and turn into brawlers, just like how Dynamike could have left the gemstone on 8-Bit on purpose.

After that, Crow is created as a likely mutation of a human and a crow who looked at the purple gemstones(or perhaps even touched it). It is now highly suspected that Jacky and Dynamike are aiming to create more brawlers with their purple gemstones, using elaborate plans to do so. The footage finally ends with Starr Park finally dissolving into chaos and Rik becoming paranoid.

This seems to be the origins of all the brawlers.


One final note is that almost all of the brawlers above have received their Hypercharges!

All people who became brawlers mentioned below (✅represents those who have received a Hypercharge and ❌ represents those who have yet to receive one):


As you can see, only Nita, Poco and 8-Bit have not received their respective Hypercharges. So is it possible that they are coming soon?

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