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hey, guys! sorry this isn't an update!! i miss you all <3 <3

so, as you all know, my updates for this book have been very scarce as of late, and while i hate that, i just... haven't had the motivation to write for this book. it's funny — i can write for my legends book no problem (knock on wood), but this book is a different story.

however, i know what you all might be thinking: oh no, is she gonna discontinue this book? and the answer is NO. i meant what i said in the author's note of the last chapter — this book will get done no matter what.

but i think in order to do that and produce quality writing for you guys — in order to make jo's story the best that it can be, a few changes have to be made to this book specifically since we're not too far deep into it.

with writing my legends fic, i got to try out third person pov in its full capacity compared to first person, which is what i have been writing these two books in. i absolutely LOVE writing in third person pov and have grown to despise first person. i feel as though i have so much more to work with when writing in the third person. to be honest, the only real reason i wrote in first person in the first place was because most of the stories i read were in first person. (and no hate to any authors that write in first person pov; i have just grown to prefer to write in third person.) between writing my legends fic in third person as well as a few chapters for saviors, i think i produce the best writing when doing so in third person. and it's (hopefully) apparent that i have grown as a writer since publishing the first chapter of saviors and i feel like just the way i have learned to write works better in third person

also, as i have been writing saviors/survivor, there have been so many times where i thought it would be good to get a different characters perspective (like bellamy's or murphy's, for example), and i decided from the get-go that i would only write my main character from first person and not any other (it's just a stupid little pet peeve of mine). i also hate doing pov changes because, to me, it feels like i can't get a feel of my writing style or get into the groove.

which is why i want to switch this book to third person.

this is my personal decision as an author and i think it's a necessary one. i think that jo as a character would grow better if she were written in third person, and i feel like that's weird to say, but i genuinely think it's true, especially with seasons 5-7 of the 100 because we know how crazy it all gets. i'm just better at writing in third person now that i have done it more. so i think this is what this book needs — i think the change in perspective will be good. honestly, i hope one day i can go through each individual chapter of saviors (especially the first two seasons) and rewrite them to improve their depth but also maybe to gradually change it to third person.

but for now i'm going to work on changing the first eleven chapters of this book to third person before i update anymore (but i'm gonna republish them all at once so it's not sporadic just know that it is getting done.)

another thing is i wanna write correctly. like i wanna have the best grammar possible, and instead of writing things like:

"It won't. I promise." Assured Callan.

i'll do it like this:

"It won't. I promise," assured Callan.

now that i have learned the correct way to do things like this, it irks me that I've written like this for so long. i hadn't wanted to change mid-story bc i wanted to keep it all consistent, but now i think with Survivor, it gives me a chance to better some things in my grammar. so, along with the pov change, expect to see a more accurate punctuation style. it doesn't bug me when reading a story, and authors do this, but it bugs me SO MUCH when i do it, so to ease myself, i gotta change it in this book.

i was at the beginning of my sophomore year in HIGH SCHOOL when i started writing, and now i'm a senior, and i like to believe i have grown tremendously. it's kinda crazy to admit this, but i've sent a few chapters, both saviors/survivor and solar (wow, i gotta switch up the first letter of my titles, lol) to my english teacher, who is nothing but supportive to me, helping me out in any way she can. she somehow thinks the chapters have gotten so good, and we've grown to the point where i'll talk abt grammar and sometimes even plot with her. (she also says i could be an author one day, which idk about that, but it would be so cool, right?!?!)

with that being said, writing on wattpad has made my love for the hobby grow EXTENSIVELY to the point where i wanna do something with it as a career. i don't necessarily just want to be an author, but i wanna be a sports journalist because i figure why not shove two things i love together: sports and writing? hopefully, i can make it in that field.

i've even started taking a college-level writing class that i actually really, really enjoy, and i think it truly helps me improve

but, again, with that being said, NONE OF THIS WOULD BE HAPPENING WITHOUT YOU GUYS!!

gosh, those of you who have been here since the beginning are real troopers, given how god-awful my writing is at first. all of the comments, votes, and interactions with this story have given me so much motivation to continue to write. i love reading each and every single comment and replying to as many as i can. i remember when saviors book hit 10k, and i thought that was the biggest deal, and now we're at 200k?!? that's so unbelievable to me — that you guys like what i write enough to keep going with it. it lokey baffles me, ngl. nonetheless, you guys are awesome and are truly amazing, and i wouldn't be here without you. so i just wanted to say thank you along with everything else i've said up to this point.

so, as we roll into 2024, i have a new year's resolution: i wanna finish this book by this time next year.

i don't know how possible that is, but it's what i'm aiming for, especially since i have almost half of season 5 done already with just having to change around a few things with the pov. so, fingers crossed that'll happen or maybe even in the next year and a half — idk, i just want to get more consistent updates out for you guys, and i wanna grow jo's story bc she's my baby and i love her so much!!

anyways, this is my rant, so basically, this whole message was just supposed to be me telling you guys i'm switching the pov and the writing style a bit, but it turned into a whole damn ted talk.

i hope you all have THE BEST new years, and that 2024 is an amazing year for all of you <333

well that's all for now

p.s. i'll delete this after i update all eleven chapters so the chapter layout doesn't look weird with this in the middle

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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