3- What If?

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The first day was a few weeks ago. She 'trained a lot' and passed every test from a professional trainer. Now it was time to go to school with Stiles and she was excited.

She woke him up with biscuits on his back as he was sleeping on his stomach. She meowed at him to wake him up and he groaned out. Then he jerked up, making Stella jump into the air. "Sorry Stel, I'm excited for your first day on the job," Stiles whispers.

Stiles quickly got ready, now he was in the bathroom and she sat patiently by the door. She never walked in on him while he used the bathroom, or when he showered. Especially during private time, which happened a lot- but he was a teenager so it was normal. She was a teenager too-- eighteen to be exact-- but he didn't know that... And not in cat years- real human years.

Stiles thought nothing of her waiting outside the door; he didn't even think about it.

Stella wondered when the next time she could take a shower, she missed having water run against her slick humanoid body. She didn't like water as much in her cat form, even her other form-- which was hard to form into but still-- her wet fur weighed her down.

Stella was finally a registered Esa: Emptional support Animal; Service animal. It took a while to get the papers for Stiles to be able to bring her to school, hence is why today is her first day.

Later, Stiles went to school. He reluctantly walked the halls with her, he was quite embarrassed to have an animal to school but then he was okay because he got a lot of attention from the ladies. Stella did not like this one bit and hissed at one girl who got too close. "Oh my gosh, sorry," he winces. "She's working; She normally isn't aggressive," he says to Kira, his and Scott's friend.

"You're okay, little Stella is just doing her job!"

Stella then felt bad when she realized she hissed at a friend. She meowed at Kira and sat next to Stiles' foot as he opened his locker.

"What are you going to do if we ever get in a fight," a boy with curly hair asks from behind Scott. Stiles snaps his head to the boy.

"Grab Stella and run, you dumb scarf boy," Stiles scoffs.

So, we don't like scarf boy; got it, Stella thought.

The scarfed boy rolls his eyes and raises his hands in defense. "I was just asking." Stella hisses and scratches the air in his direction. She hisses again for one last measure then sits on Stiles' foot. He laughs and picks her up. She climbs him and sits on his shoulder. "Why do you always do this?" Stiles laughs. Stella meows cutely.

She was disappointed when Scott picked her up. She lets him and then jumps to the floor. "Can I touch the cat?" A boy with spiked hair asks. Stiles shakes his head. "Why not?"

"She's working, Liam!" Stiles says picking up Stella. Stiles held her, petting it as his nerves were getting agitated. Stella picked up on this and briefly hissed at Liam and nuzzled into Stiles' hand as he petted her. She was on her back again, his hand moving from her head to her first chest. He pets it as he walks through the hall.

Surprisingly, having Stella around had helped. He didn't think it would at first, but the more time he spent with her the more he felt at ease with her. She was extremely smart, almost too smart for a cat. And since he knew of supernatural-- in the back of his mind-- he wondered if she was one.

This made him panic. He was in the back of the class, so luckily nobody saw him. But Stella saw: she felt it. He began breathing heavily, almost gasping for air. Stella jumped into action and began meowing. This gained the class's attention. A redheaded girl was there and promptly guided Stiles out and Stella ran with them. The girl then went back to class, letting Stella do her job.

Stiles collapses onto the floor next to the classroom, a few students screaming in shock. Stella meows and then sits on his chest and pulls on his sleeves to get him to pet her. He shakily obeys and begins petting her, his head thrown back onto the cold tiled flooring. She nuzzles into his hands, licking them periodically to get his mind to focus on her rather than whatever spurred him.

After a few minutes, his breathing was gathered. Stiles continues to hold Stella and peeks up to the open classroom door. The teacher had been watching with worried eyes. "I'm okay, just a panic attack," he breathed out, almost out of breath again from the amount of people that were watching. He gave the teacher a thumbs up and began to get up, but Stella meowed and slapped her paw against his chest. She could tell he was still panicky and she wanted him to calm.

Stella's cat head glances at the door and realizes just how many people are watching. She hissed at them, a few scattering back to their seats. She swatted at the door, but the teacher was clever and shut the door so she could do her work more properly.

"Gosh, you just know everything don't you?" Stiles gasps, his hand grasping his chest in a hunch. He was now leaning on his other hand. Stella meowed and scratched her vest. He chuckles and grabs her to pull her onto his lap. "Yeah, I guess that's your job, huh? Best Little worker ever," he whispers as he scratches Stella on her forehead. Her yellow eyes blinked at him, her pupils expanding and making her look more adorable. He gushes at her, his knees bending to pull her closer to his chest. "I love you, Stella."

This surprised Stella but she meows three times in response. His eyes widen and he gulps. "Sometimes I think you aren't just a cat, you're too intelligent, Stel." He shook his head as he spoke, along with a small smile.

She meows and glances back to the classroom door. "Alright, back to education it is," he sighs.

Started: 12.26.23
Last edited: 12.26.23
Published: 12.27.23

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