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As the clock struck noon, the doorbell rang, and Jimin and Sana walked in with their energetic 5-year-old baby boy, Minjae. He was bursting with excitement and immediately ran up to your daughter, Hana, hugging her tightly. The two were inseparable, even at such a young age.

Jimin- Happy birthday, Hana!

(He exclaimed giving your little girl a tight hug. Sana smiled and handed over a beautifully wrapped gift.)

Sana- We hope she likes it!

Y/n- She's going to love it. Come on in, everyone!

As the chaos settled, Jungkook arrived with his wife, Aera. They were carrying a big gift box with a huge bow on top. Jungkook had a mischievous smile on his face, hinting that he had something up his sleeve.

Y/n- What's in the box, Kook?

Jungkook- Well, it's a surprise, but I assure you, it'll make Hana's day truly special.

Y/n- Aera, you're glowing! (you exclaimed, hugging her tightly) And Jungkook, did you finally find someone who can handle your mischief?

Aera-Don't let him fool you. We're partners in crime!

Jimin- Sana you better hold onto your hats with this one. He's got an endless supply of curiosity! (He chuckled, running after his son)

Sana giggled, nodding in agreement. 

Sana- I wouldn't change a thing, though. He keeps us on our toes all the time.

Jennie- I swear, I never know what these two will come up with next. One moment they're playing tea party, the next they're pretending to be superheroes! (She laughed, chasing after them.)

Taehyung- What's so funny, boys?

Jimin, his cheeks puffed up with sugar, managed to blurt out.

Jimin- It's just that Sana caught Minjae trying to sneak all the cupcakes into his pockets!

Taehyung burst into laughter, almost spitting out his cotton candy. 

Taehyung- That's impressive! Future snack thief in the making!

As the adults engaged in conversation, the kids continued to wreak havoc. Minjae and Yuna had launched into an impromptu dance-off.

Y/n- So, how have you been, bro?

Baekhyun- What? Sorry, I can't hear you!

Y/n- I asked how you've been.

Baekhyun- I've been good! Just playing hide and seek with these little rascals all day long.

Just then, the twins decided to give you a live demonstration of their hide-and-seek skills. The boy, named Jackson, darted behind the living room curtains, while the girl, Lily, vanished behind the sofa.

Jennie- Oh gosh, not again! She exclaimed as she hurriedly rushed toward the curtain.

Baekhyun- Get ready, Uncle! Here comes the chaos! (He warned.)

Meanwhile, Taehyung was busy trying to organize a game of musical chairs for the kids. He lined up the little chairs and started playing the music. However, it seemed like the twins thought it was a game of sprinting rather than musical chairs.

As the music started, the children began running around the chairs, knocking them over and bumping into each other. It was a hilarious sight, with Taehyung desperately trying to prevent chair-related injuries.

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