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In which the author writes the final chapter of a series she has worked on for two and a half years within an hour

Tw: maybe not the perfect ending but at least she's alive. Teeny tiny angst (just a smidge). Leaving a legacy, long story short - literally



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September 22nd, year 3001 of the Third Age

Raewyn was nothing if not honest. She had kept her promise of visiting Bilbo so often, it had indeed begun to annoy his neighbours. Her first few visits raised heads and widened eyes, but after only a short while, she had become a regular sight in the Shire, regardless of the fact she hadn't even lived there. Kili had joined her every time, claiming he wasn't that needed at the mountain. And though that mainly was a lie, Raewyn never commented on it. If anything; she would be a missed aspect as well. She had become a valuable asset in those 'stupid' meetings Kili used to tell her about, and had done much to improve Erebor when the dwarves finally returned.

In the times she couldn't be with her dear friend, she had left Farris in his care. Or rather - the other way around. The owl made sure Bilbo stayed out of trouble, especially considering the new interest he had gained when he began to talk about his adventures and encounters. Thankfully, Gandalf had been so kind to stop by Bag-end too, though not nearly as often as Raewyn and Kili did.

In the wizard's honest words, he came across Raewyn on plenty occasions, whether this was by simply passing through or coming for an actual visit. The king of Erebor had established him to be an esteemed guest - one that would always be welcome. He had, after all, helped them more than they could have ever hoped.

Raewyn's visits to the Shire were almost always pleasant. Bilbo made sure had an extra place to sleep, he had plenty of food, and - naturally - an uncounted amount of conversational topics. Be that as it may, this day seemed dull, which was odd considering the celebration going on.

Bilbo had been lingering in his study the entire day, which wasn't a rare thing for him to do. The oddity was the fact that the hobbit had visitors in his home, who had been seated in front of his hearth with some beer Frodo had supplied them with, even after alerting his uncle multiple times.

Bilbo had invited everyone who had joined the quest to Erebor, and though not all could come, there were many who did. Thorin and Dwalin had yet to arrive, but they'd travel with Gandalf. All others were awaiting any announcement from Bilbo. The fondness the company seemed to halt had dwindled down signigifcantly. Most of them had aged, and had become slower and less cheery than they used to be. And even as aging was a wonderful thing, the occasional remarks and silences had become uncomfortable.

Raewyn had found herself in the opening between the hall and the study, observing her friend bowed over his work, seemingly not acknowledging her presence. That, or he truly hadn't known she was standing there. Two arms wrapped around her waist from behind, before a head found its way onto her shoulder, the scruff of a beard scratching the side of her face. Subconsciously, her hand reached up to toy with the ends of his hair, twirling a bead between her fingers.

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