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This time the shopping run want as stressful as it was last time. I was honestly more relaxed if anything. I wasn't fidgeting as much,I was laughing, and I want even thinking about crying. I was still adamant on telling the boys not to pay for so much things and that I would pay them back but they just brushed it off per usual like I wasn't serious.

We were exiting the lobby when I see a familiar set of chocolate brown eyes. But next to him I see 2 other figures behind him. Another guy behind with the his arm around a girl with long gorgeous braids and dark skin. The guy has blond hair and hazel colored eyes.

But I can help but turn my attention back to him.

I have a feeling he can feel me staring at him because suddenly he lifts his head up only for his eyes to meet mine and my heart stops for a minute.

He tilts his head to the side with his  eyebrows furrowed like he recognizes me and I see a flash of recognition pass through his eyes. I offer him a smirk and turn my head back around only to find Rico looking at me with his own smirk and mine drops.

"You know I saw that right?" He whispered in my ear.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I say knowing damn well I'm lying straight out of my ass.


We continue to walk to the car with of course the twins bickering while Leo tries to calm them down and the rest of us laughing at them.


We soon reach home with less arguing and more silence. I still don't know how they had all the energy to argue after all that walking my back is aching. I thank the boys with a tense smile and head up stairs.

By the time I get to my room I feel more dizzy than usual and my back hurting more than ever. I carefully place my bags on the ground and rush to the bathroom when I feel something wet run down my back. I scramble to take off my hoodie, face my back to the mirror, and let out a small gasp of shock .

There was blood on my shirt or at least if it makes it sound any better there was a trail of blood on my shirt.


What if they saw the blood on my back when I went up stairs. I say immediate squat down grabbing my hoodie searching it for any trace of blood. But obviously I didn't make sure to lock any doors because I suddenly hear a gasp behind me and I whip my head around and if my back wasn't trying to bleed put I'm pretty sure I would've felt a case of whiplash coming on. Fucking Rico.

"What the fuck-!"


"Why the hell are you bleeding?!"

"Why the hell are you whispering?!"

"It happens when I'm shocked stop avoiding my question!"

"Ok! But let's calm down first and close the door."

He reluctantly did what I said while I took long deep breaths trying to think of a good excuse without making myself look suspicious.

"So?" He says raising his eyebrow with his arms folded.

"First of all why are you everywhere like-?"


"Ok! Ok! Look don't worry it's just a small cut on my back-! Just don't tell anyone." I say whispering the last sentence.

He sighed but swiftly entered the bathroom, opened a cabinet taking out a big black first aid kit.

"Our dad was always worried you would get hurt because you were so reckless so he pit this week in your room just in case. I guess its needed now after 14 years." He says with a humorless chuckle at the end.

I try to smile but thinking about how I'll never see my real father the one that actually cared for me ever again leaves me a little broken inside every time I'm reminded of it especially when I see how his death affected each of my brothers gives me a horrible feeling in my gut.

I could've been loved and cared for of my mother hadn't decided did do what she did. I've always resented her but with the information I have now, I resent her even more. For what she did to my brothers, for what she did to our father,for what she did to me, and for what she allowed him to do to me.

Just thinking about her sends a chill down my spine.

"Hey. You okay?"

I snap my head up to see him looking at me with a worries expression I suppress a grimace when I suddenly feel a sting of pain distended on my back.

"Come sit down." He says pulling out a small stool from underneath the sink. Where did that come from?

I sit down in the chair my hands get clammy and my heart starts pounding as I prepare for what he's about to ask me.

"Can I lift your shirt?"

"Y-yeah." I say internally cursing at myself for stuttering. It's not that serious. You're still here you're not there anymore. Stop being so sensitive.

"Are you sure-" "Yes! I'm sure come on."


He lifts up my shirt and I feel his hand stiffen for a moment before exhaling and rustling through the first aid kit grabbing a what I'm assuming is an alcohol wipe and wipes everything up which makes me wince.When the pain wasn't bearable.

"Okay, I'm done." He says putting on the last bandaid throwing away all the trash.

"Thank you." I say softly looking down. I don't want him to be disgusted by me and I especially don't want to see his face if he is.

"You're welcome principessa but do you mind telling what happened."

I knew it was gonna come up sooner or later preferably later so I have time toe  make up an excuse but of course he wants an answer right now. I can't even bare to look at him. So I just shake my head.

"Hey can you look at me?" He asks softly squatting down so he can reach my eyes.

"You don't have to but I would like to know okay? You have all of us now so tell anybody whenever you feel like okay?"

"Ok. Just please don't tell anyone."

"I won't." He says it without any hesitation I already believe him. He kisses my forehead muttering and 'I love you' before leaving.

What a great way to end the day.


Thanks for reading!! Slowly but surely updating!



Love y'all 😘

- Niyah

Ecstasyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें