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"Ouuch... get off of me you all are so heavyy"

I was laying chest down on the floor in pain. Not like the two sweaty and heavy boys on top of me are helping

"Sorry (Name)!" Isagi immedietly got off of me

Nagi just hugged me tightly

"Getting up is a hassle.."

'Is this guy for real..'

'Nagi is just like me.'

Isagi helped Nagi up and as I looked up, I saw someone unexpected

Itoshi fucking Sae EXTENDING his hand for me to get up- help.

"Hurry it up."

'This is not real.'

'Is this for my hand in marriage? Hell yeah.'

I took his arm and he pulled me up

"Tell your lukewarm teammates to be careful with a woman." and he walked away to his team. I swear I heard the crowd go feral from that interaction

'This feels awkward.'

'Imagine being shipped with Sae.'

'I'd personally go for his throat.'

"Are they dating?"

"They looks so cute!!"

"I'd personally smash (Name) instead of Sae."

I choked. Isagi put an arm around my shoulder and dragged me back to my position

Fangirls are very unhinged. (Me too)

'I feel like a high school girl inlove again.'

'God I hated that phase of yours. Thankfully those creatures got girlfriends before you got to them.'




Sae starts off with the ball

'End off the game already.'

'By losing or winning?'

'Winning of course you idiot.'

I watched the show's opening, Rin match up against Sae

Rin was going for Sae's throat, literally.

'Nahh this sibling fight sounds interesting.'

"Rin! I'll back you up." Isagi was right beside Rin

Dual-Ego~☆ BLLKWhere stories live. Discover now