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It was late at night, in the mean streets of NYC. Two groups of at least 10 thugs met up inside an old, abandoned warehouse in Hell's Kitchen. The two leaders were confused one why they were called to this place.

Thug 1: Alright, man. Why did you call us here?

Thug 2: The hell you talking about? You were the one who called the meeting here.

Thug 1: Nah, you did.

Thug 2: I barely even knew about this place until you decided to meet here.

Thug 1: I didn't...Is this a set-up?!

The first group begins to pull out their guns on their opponents, who at the same time pull out theirs.

Thug 2: Oh, you wanna dance?!

Everyone starts yelling at one another, getting ready to kill each other, until they hear a voice from above.

???: Hey!

From the balcony, a figure walks out of the shadows, revealing themselves to be wearing a brown jacket over skin-tight body armour, black racing gloves, and a shiny red helmet. They also seemed to be carrying two pistols in their hands.

???: I'll dance with you.

Thug 1: Who the hell are you?

Thug 2: Smoke 'em!

The thugs aimed there guns at the mystery hoodlum. However, before they could shoot, the latter strikes first, firing his pistols at them. He was able to hit some of them, knocking them down, but not killing them.

(A/n: This Red Hood uses rubber bullets. He has good reasons for this, which will be explained throughout the story)

As the hoodlum jumps off the balcony, while shooting down at the thugs, the latter simultaneously shoots at him. However, the bullets bounce off the man's armour. He lands on the thug in the middle of them all, before shooting him in the head. He then faces up, shooting the thugs in front of him. One thug from behind tries to swing a crow bar at him. However, the man ducks, before shooting the man in the stomach. He then gets up and elbows another thug in the nose, before knocking him out by hitting him with his gun.

He then turns around to see another group of men with guns and crowbars. They couldn't tell, but underneath his helmet, he smirked. He ran forward, shooting thugs on his left. A thug in front tries to swing his crowbar at him. However, the man ducks, sliding underneath it, before shooting him in the bag. He then flips like a circus acrobat through the air, while shooting all his opponents below him.

As he lands, he continues to shoot several different thugs, before turning his sights to a wounded one, about to grab a communicator. The man then pulls out a strange, sharp red object, the shape of a bat, which he uses to impale the thug in the hand before he could grab the communicator. The thug then gets shot in the head.

The menacing hoodlum then walks to one of the thugs who was trying to crawl away. However, before he could go any further, he gets smacked with a crowbar upside the head. The hoodlum then repeatedly smacks the crowbar on his body, leaving him hard, bloody bruises. The thugs groans of pain begin to sound more like crying. Meanwhile, the hoodlum was just laughing it off.

Thug: Please! Please, stop.

???: You know what...your right.

He then drops the crowbar, before cracking his knuckles together.

???: This is better.

He grabs the thug, he punches him into the ground. He then does it again. Punch after punch, the man is leaving nothing on the thugs face than painted blood.


???: I'm vengeance.


???: I'm pain!


???: I'm...Red Hood.


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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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