𝐒𝐈𝐗𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍, 𝖰𝗎𝗂𝖽𝖽𝗂𝗍𝖼𝗁 𝖬𝖺𝗍𝖼𝗁

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧


A week later, the 9 of November was Morana's first quidditch match. The whole Slytherin quidditch team were sitting at breakfast together, anxiously eating while going through strategies once more.

“Black, just ignore the rest of us, make sure you get the snitch!” Flint said and Aries nodded, then Flint turned his head to Fred and George, who had taken over the positions of beater from 6 year Slytherin, who liked quidditch but didn’t quite have the skills the rest had. And Kane Kinan, a 7 year who had been meaning to quit to focus on his studying.

“Okay the rest knows what to do, right?” Flint asked looking around the table, Terence snorted, “You’ve only been through it with us for like a hundred times, Marcus.”

“Right,” Flint muttered, his eyes darting to the Gryffindor table and then back to looking around the Slytherin team, “We can win this.”

“We will,” Pucey said, Montague had decided to try out for keeper when Terence became chaser and since he was the best one in the try outs he was now on the team as Slytherin keeper.

Morana smiled and looked at Perseus nervously, "you can do this." Perseus whispered encouraging her. Mirana nodded and take a piece of chovolate to calm her down.

They all went to the changing rooms after breakfast, Flint going through their strategy once more. Aries had honestly zoned out the whole time, he didn’t think that beating the Weasleys was going to be a challenge.

Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to the first quidditch match of this school year! Like always we start with the Slytherin against Gryffindor match.” Lee said, “On the Slytherin team we have, Captain Mattheo with Flint, Terence Higgs and Adrian Pucey as chasers, Graham Montague as keeper, Aries Sirius Black as beater and the youngest seeker in the history, Morana Enerys Potter as seeker.” There were a lot of cheers, Aries looked down and quickly noticed the whole Slytherin house was here.

“For the Gryffindor team we have Captain Oliver Wood as keeper, Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet and Katie Bell as chasers, Fred and George Weasley as beaters and Ron Weasley  as seeker.” The cheers for Gryffindors were obviously louder, but the Slytherin honestly didn’t care. Ron was smirking at him and Aries smirked right back.

The new beaters of Gryffindor didn’t seem to be totally sure what to do, so Marcus decided he shouldn’t panic about that too much.

As soon as the snitch got released Morana started circling the pitch, knowing Angelina Johnson was following her every move.

She decided to play for a bit, making some dangerous dives, Angelina following her but almost crashing. She spend the entire first half of the match tiring Angelina like this, while also avoiding bludgers.

“Slytherin scored! That makes it 60-40 for Gryffindor!” She heard Lee call out, Aries sighed.

The Slytherins had a 40 points lead after ten minutes, now fifteen minutes later the Gryffindor’s had a lead of 30 points.

It honestly wasn’t a surprise, the Gryffindor chasers were Good. And let’s not even get started on quidditch addicted keeper Oliver Wood along side the Weasley Twins.

Still it would be fun to win with a big lead, so Aries stopped annoying Ron
and Moraa went back to circling the pitch to look for the snitch.

“Stay focused, Black!” He heard Mattheo shout, when he dodged a bludger that almost hit his face, Aries laughed.

“Sure, captain!”

Another twenty minutes past, now the Gryffindors had a sixty point lead, 150-80.  How they had managed to score eight times in such a short time, Morana honestly didn’t know.

no one was surprised when Morana caught the snitch and Lee shouted that Slytherin had won the match.

Morana was soon pulled into a big hug by the Slytherin team, ignoring Granger and Ron’s and the other Gryffindor’s glares.

“I knew you had it in you, Potter, you too Black!” Flint said, swinging his arm over Aries,s shoulder, Aries laughed, “Of course you did.”

“Party in the common room!” He heard Terrence and Adrian shout in the distance, somewhere close to the Slytherin stands. And when she looked at them, she saw Snape smiling at them, even Snape couldn’t hide his happiness of the win.

"You better have chocolate!" Both, Aries and Morana shouted making the team laughed.

“That’s ours pup, Moony!” She heard his godfather shout, the man was waving at him, trying to catch his attention. Aries and Morana laughed and waved back.

“Snape wasn’t wrong when he said the Slytherin team could use you, Morana.” Terence said, coming up next to Flint and Morana. He smile charmingly at her
while Aries glare at him, so did Perseus.

"Hand off." Mattheo ordered firmly which Terrence sigh amuse.

"I have it in my blood, after all, I am a Potter." She said proudly hearing her mother. "That my girl!" Shouted Juliette happilly. "You too, Aries." She added, Aries groaned.

Though Morana's smile fade away when she noticed that her father was nowhere to be seen. "He did not come." She thought sadly and went back inside feeling down. Juliette watched her daughter and quickly walked to her.

"What's wrong, darling?" She muttered while cupping Morana's cheeks. "Where is papa?" She whispered. "Oh.., I am sorry sweeheart, but he did say that he would visit you later." Juliette smiled and kiss her cheeks.

"Congrats, little princess." Mattheo ruffle her hair and place a necklace around her neck. "Thank you." She muttered.

"Do you have the stone, baby?" Juliette whispered. "Yes." Morana make the stone appeared in her hand and secretely give it to her mother.

"Good, I can't wait for you both ro come back soon." She giggled and hugged them before leaving. "Let's go have some chocolate." Mattheo smiled.


The Slytherin siblings left to the party that their friends organized.

The stone is finally in play.

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