Fighting to be free - Chapter 3 (Picture of Ellie)

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Copyright © 2011 Kirsty Moseley

WARNING - Some Sexual content towards the end of the chapter!

****Pic of Ellie on the side*****



Chapter 3

Ellie's POV

I glanced at myself in the mirror, I still looked ok even though I'd been dancing like a mad person in the club for the last 3 hours and was totally off my face. I had on a short black dress that belonged to my best friend, it was too tight across the bust and showed way too much leg. I hated it when I first put it on, but to be honest, the more I drank, the more I began to like it. My long burnt auburn hair still held some of the loose curls that I'd teased in with curlers earlier in the night. I rubbed a finger under each of my green eyes to wipe away the slight mascara smudges. I smiled, yep I still looked ok even though I'd just thrown up in the toilet behind me.

I couldn't hold my drink and even though I wasn't old enough to be in the club anyway, I'd been dragged out by my best friend Stacey Gordon and a few of my other friends, because I was trying to get over a broken heart, apparently. I actually think my friends were more upset about it than I was though. I'd been with Mark for almost 3 years and we were the golden couple in our school. He was the school's 'IT' boy, and apparently I was the schools 'IT' girl, so it was a match made in heaven, well that's what everyone told me anyway.

To be honest, he was an asshole who treated me like crap when no one was around. He had a bad temper, he never hit me or anything but he got jealous easily, he didn't really like me to go out without him. He was the sweetest boy when we first got together, but after about a year he started telling me what to wear, who I could talk to, where I could go. He was controlling and possessive and last night when he screamed at me for apparently talking to some other guy that I hadn't even met, a couple of people saw. So I took my chance and broke it off with him in front of them, knowing that it would soon be round the school and he wouldn't be able to pressure me into going back with him.

Stacey walked into the bathroom, "Ellie Pearce! I've been looking everywhere for you," she said drunkenly.

I giggled, "Really? I wasn't in that guys mouth, huh?" I teased, rolling my eyes.

She chuckled, "Surprisingly not, but I had a good look." She winked at me. I shook my head at her, she liked to hook up a lot, I on the other hand, had only ever been with Mark and had never even kissed anyone else.

"Don't let me drink anymore, I just threw up." I winced and put on some more lip gloss,

"Ew! Here, have a mint." She giggled, passing me a packet, I gratefully took one trying to get the horrible taste out of my mouth.

"Come on, come and dance. Maybe you should hook up with someone tonight, take your mind off Mark, it'll help you get over him," she said sympathetically. I'd never told anyone what Mark was really like, so everyone really did think we were the perfect couple, so she really did think I was devastated.

"Ok I'll dance, but I'm not hooking up with anyone," I replied, pushing her towards the door.

"Whatev's. I'm thirsty lets get another drink, then we can go find the others." She grabbed my hand as we walked out of the bathroom.

As soon as the door opened the music was crazy loud, it was dark, hot and really crowded. I was blindly being led along by Stacey, and finally, after two ass slaps and a suggestive comment, we made it through the crowd to the bar.

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