Episode 3

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"Apologies for not introducing myself earlier Miss (lastname), Keiichi Kuzuryū, pleasure..." The man sat beside me held his hand out for me to shake and I gripped it firmly smiling at him before assuring that "(name) is fine Kuzuryū!"

We were together travelling in one of the beach cars, only one other occupant sat in the driver's seat, but the woman didn't seem interested in talking to us. I stared at her through the rear view mirror her red lips set into a frown as she focused on the road ahead of her.

I knew the woman as Ann. When Aguni brought me to the med room to fix up my bandages a few days ago she was present in the room rifling through some shelfs. She seemed to be looking for something but when we entered, she stood up and left. He later told me her name.

I stopped thinking about this when the car pulled up outside and Ann swiftly exited the vehicle.

My injury had scabbed over now, and I no longer wore the bandage. It had healed nicely with no infection and didn't hurt anymore. This meant I could put my full weight on my ankle without discomfort and so as I exited the car, I moved just as quick as my fellow teammates.

We approached what looked like a club from the outside and as I looked up at the neon sign illuminated above it, I cringed at the name displayed:

"Vortex Vibes"

Who came up with that?

I shuddered before continuing to move into the building behind Kuzuryū who was holding the door for me. I thanked him and slipped past walking over to the table which displayed phones.

I skipped the step of reading the sign that said, "1 per person" and instantly reached for the phone. I had done these enough times (too many for my liking) to know what it was I needed to do. I snatched up the phone and the screen instantly took a facial recognition. As soon as it was done I hung my arm back down and locked eyes with the male.

"We are the first ones here..."

I hummed in agreement moving my gaze across the room. The bar was in the far-right hand corner and you instantly arrived on the dance floor as you stepped into the building. A disco ball hung in front of the door and to the far left, a stage with a pole in the middle was settled.

I huffed and walked over to the stage taking a seat on the edge of it letting my feet dangle. I stared at the ground in thought when I spotted something. On the dancefloor, tiny sections were marked out, messing up the pattern of the wood. I found this peculiar and so reached down to touch it when the door slammed open.

A few teens bustled into the room, loudly chattering and screaming amongst themselves. Just as the door was about to shut a girl walked in with wide eyes and a blank look. She had blood splattered up one side of her body and the closer I looked, it appeared she was shivering.

I sighed in sympathy before moving off the dancefloor to stand with the two beach executives.

As I approached I stood in front of them both interrupting their conversation with my presence.

"Something is up with the floor" I stated pointing behind me to the wooden dance space. "It seems to be cut into segments... might be something to do with our game?"

I shrugged my shoulders as Ann lifted herself to full height to address me.

"Well noticed. If the floor comes into play during the game, you have my automatic recommendation to Hatter."

My eyes scrunched up as I gazed confusedly between her and Kuzuryū trying to understand what she said.

"(name)," Started the man "This is a test from the Hatter to se if you are a good candidate to become an executive at the Beach."

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