Chapter Twenty - five

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Thank you so much for all the reads. I appreciate all of you guys, and I love reading your comments. I can't believe I'm on chapter 25; I thought the book would be shorter. 

Athena couldn't sleep; how could she? Merlin was dead, Capian was asleep, and the only things that gave her company were the two Peackeers posted by the door. But even when she tried to get a conversation going, they wouldn't even look at her. 

As the clock ticked away, Athena spent a gruelling hour attempting to incite the peacekeepers. Growing weary, she finally decided to call it a day and returned to her room. However, as she entered, she couldn't help but feel a chill run down her spine. The once warm and inviting space now seemed much colder. The lights were dimmed, casting a faint silhouette across the room, and her bed was meticulously made. The thought of the upcoming tributes weighed heavily on her mind. It was almost as if the room knew that another young woman from District 4 would soon take her place, and any remnants of Athena's presence would be swiftly erased as though she had never existed.

She sat on her bed, her back leaning against the soft pillows. She had the Mockingjay pin in her hand, unable to let it go since she found it. 

As the night passed by, Athena found herself staring at the clock, counting down the minutes until morning. Finally, she heard Caspian's door creaking open, followed by shuffling footsteps as he made his way toward her bedroom door.  She waited as her doorknob turned, the door swinging open to reveal a very tired Caspian. 

"Rough night?" she rubbed her eyes. Caspian narrowed his tired eyes and nodded. 

"Just had to make sure you were awake." He grumbled. 

"Never slept," she smiled, sliding off the bed. 

The two gathered at the table and ate in silence. Caspian had washed out the coloured hair dye and was sporting brown, shiny hair. 

"You look far cuter with your hair like that," Caspian said, looking up from his plate, startled. 

"Coloured hair is in style," He shrugged, taking a sip of his coffee. 

"Just because it's in trend doesn't mean it's good. Remember when everyone wore plaid." She smirked when Caspian visibly flinched. 

"Not a pretty image, is it," she laughed. Caspian's face turned red, and he rolled his eyes in an attempt to hide his embarrassment. The lighthearted moment quickly dissipated, replaced by a heavy sense of realization. The gravity of the situation settled in as they both understood that the carefree banter would soon be replaced by the grim reality of the impending game. In just a few short hours, they would both be thrust into a brutal and merciless world of hunger, violence, and survival. 

The two finished their meals in silence. Coriolanus came barging into the apartment, cheeks flushed and hair a mess. 

"You're early," Athena acknowledged, taking one last sip of her coffee; she stood up from the table and slowly approached the tall boy. 

"I'm late," he huffed, following her into her room. 

"Late?" her heart froze. 

"I was requested to start getting you read 20 minutes ago." Athena shook her head with furrowed eyebrows. 

"Why weren't we informed?" 

"The request got sent out late last night; I am sure many of the mentors have yet to see it." Athena ran her hands through her hair; anxiety started to build up in her chest. 

Coriolanus grabbed her hand in comfort, "You'll do amazing. Nobody can fight like you do." he tried to reassure her. 

"Should we get going?" She asked, voice void of emotion. Coriolanus Hesitantly nodded his head, grabbed her hand, and guided her out of the room. She gave Caspian a timid hug and followed Coriolanus to the hotel elevator. 

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