Chapter 4 Getting weapons and dealing with red heads

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Bold: will mean chasing povs or places or time skips

Italics: will mean when someone's thinking something or talking in mind or y/- I mean Kingston narrating to himself or the audience  yea he's the narrator

Underline: means when someone's talking in a different voice like a demonic one or an angery one

**: actions\detailed actions like somthing happens as u describe or an emotion

                                Kingston pov

Kingston: *I walked into a weapons shop which had an old timey look to it but it also had things like mechashift weapons and even magic ones and I saw an small man walk up to me*

???: hello young lad my names Angus I'm the owner what can I help you with

Kingston: yea I'm looking for a pair of guns and maybe a sword do you have any of those

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Kingston: yea I'm looking for a pair of guns and maybe a sword do you have any of those

Angus: why ofc I do I think I have the perfect ones for you *shows him the guns from the bio chapter* these are twin energy pistols that can charge up to shoot hyper destructive blast and it has non lethal options as well

Kingston: *grabs them feeling like these could work but saw they were a bit expensive so I had to be a bit cheep with my sword if I wanna afford my rent this month* I'll take them

Angus: fantastic those are some of my best work see and swords you like?

Kingston: what about this one *points to 1000 demon daggers*

Angus: oh I wouldn't suggest that the blades cursed since it host the souls of 1000 demons most who hold it go insane because of the voices

Kingston: *grabs the sword* hmm well I hear voices but it's not driving me insane well at least not any more then I am anyway I'll take it

Angus: well in that case lad I'll give you this for free *hands me a book*

Kingston: qi control?

Angus: it will come in handy for controlling that sword as you saw it's made from many shards but qi control can help you by making the shards move like their own blades and you can control other things with it

Kingston: oh well thanks how much do I owe you

Angus: since it's your first weapons I'll give you them for 9000 yen bot including the book

Kingston: thanks you angus your a life saver *pats him for the things I also paid more since I got holsters for my guns*

Angus: see ya around laddy if you ever need something repaired your welcome anytime

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