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It had been an hour since the competition ended and Ana sat in a corner of the large and bustling hall, waiting for the results to be announced.

The free set of art supplies (so much better than the cheap colours and brushes she is usually able to afford ) that had been provided as a complimentary gift to each participant, clutched tightly to her self.

It had been a fun event. Fun, but fiercely competitive.

There had been multiple rounds which she had to qualify through, before ultimately reaching the finale round along with ten other extremely skilled individuals.

It had been, perhaps, one of the most stressful competitions she had ever participated in.

Initially, she had been too nervous, the strokes of her brush coming out shaky as the clock ticked by, and despite her best efforts to prevent any mishaps, she had, to her utter horror, ended up knocking over a small bottle of blue paint over her half completed canvas, with some of the paint even spilling over and soaking in her dress as she sat frozen, shocked by her foolishness.

She looked down at her light green sundress, her favourite and best piece of clothing which is now spoiled with a large ugly blotch of paint, can only hope that Ms. Jennie has some magical hack up her sleeve to help remove the stain before Ms. Martha saw the condition of her clothes and decided to give her an earful about it.


Ana jumps, startled, turns and blinks owlishly at the figure standing behind her.

It is a girl.

A very pretty girl around her age, with brown hair, pale skin and large brown eyes, eyes that stare at Ana with barely concealed curiosity.

"H-Hello." She stutters in reply.

"Take this." The girl says, offering Ana a packed bottle of water. "I was afraid that you were going to keel over with how nervous you seem to be."

Ana's cheeks flush with embarrassment but she takes the offered water gratefully. "Thank you."

"I'm Alice." The girl smiles, introducing herself.

"I'm Ana." She murmurs, a nervous smile on her face. "Ana Winters."

"I know." The girl says, much to Ana's surprise. "I saw your name when you turned in the painting," she explains. "I was watching you the entire time, you know, and all I could think was how talented you are, especially with how you covered up when the paint bottle spilled over. That was totally awesome! If you ask me I would say that you have a very high chance of winning. I'm jealous to be honest.... I've been taking classes since I was seven and I'm kind of lousy at it, but my parents always force me into this even though I never reach the finals or anything."

The girl speaks all of it in a single breath, leaving Ana to gaze at her with wide eyed wonder, amazed that a person could speak so much and so fast.

Does she not breathe?

Some of her shock must have been visible on her face, for the other girl bites her lip, appearing contrite.

"Stupid Alice... ugh.. why .... weird ... potential friends," she hears the girl mumble under her breath before she glances back at Ana, grinning sheepishly. "I tend to talk a lot. My mother tells me that I have no filter and how confusing and weird it can be for strangers when I do that. I apologise."

"It's fine." Ana replies softly, causing the girl to smile, bright, full of happiness and excitement.

"But honestly, you have real talent." Alice insists. "Which Academy do you go to? I've been attending this event for years now, sometimes as a volunteer even, and I would have definitely remembered seeing you before. Is it your first time here? Are you from some private school out of the city?"

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