Accepted (Kind of) (Edited 1/18/24)

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Despite Zayden's firm objection, Liam and the others exchanged glances, unsure how to handle the sudden tension in the room. Judith, sensing the unease, took a step back, her eyes flickering between Zayden and the rest of the group.

"Why not?" Liam asked, attempting to break the awkward silence that had settled over the room.

Zayden's gaze remained fixed on Judith. "This is not the place for someone like her. She's just going to disrupt everything."

Judith raised an eyebrow, challenging his statement. "Disrupt? How so? And what do you mean someone like me?"

Zayden hesitated, then grumbled, "You're a distraction. We're here to focus on computers and gaming, not deal with unnecessary drama."

Judith chuckled, not offended by his bluntness. "Drama? I just want to learn computers and enjoy my lunch. I won't disrupt your precious club."

Actually I don't need to learn it but let's just pretend I don't know anything about computers. Judith thought.

No one will believe she was a software engineer in her last life anyway.

Liam intervened, attempting to mediate the situation. "Come on, Zayden, let her stay. It won't hurt. We can all coexist peacefully. What do you guys think?" He asked Charles and Xavier to include them in the conversation.

Charles nodded fervently, with imaginary hearts in his eyes. "Y-yes! I think she can s-stay here!"

"I don't mind, as long as she is not troublesome." Replied Xavier.

Zayden crossed his arms, maintaining his stern expression. "I don't trust her intentions. We're better off without her."

Charles and Xavier exchanged uncertain glances, torn between the newcomer and Zayden's firm stance. They were clearly not accustomed to such conflicts within their tight-knit group.

Despite the tension, Judith remained composed. "If it's about trust, give me a chance to prove myself. I just want a place to relax during lunch. No drama, I promise."

Zayden scoffed but didn't respond.

The way he has seen Judith Wellester acted in school, yeah he doesn't believe her.

Liam sighed, caught between the loyalty to his friend and the desire to be inclusive. "Judith, let's give it a try. You're welcome to stay today, and we'll see how it goes afterwards."

Judith smiled appreciatively. "Thank you, Liam. I'm sure we'll get along just fine."

As the group resumed to their activities, with Judith finding a spot to eat her lunch by the long table of computers, the air remained tense. Zayden continued to cast skeptical glances in her direction as he sat on his chair, making it clear that he wasn't convinced. She can definitely see that he still wants her out.

Charles and Xavier continue to play their game again.

Liam, Zayden, and Judith watched their gameplay engrossingly; with Judith digging in to her lunch happily.

After a moment:

"Imma show you why Ken is better than Ryu!" Charles declared, suddenly the stutter from before is gone.

"Take that back you loser! Ryu is the best fighting game character in history!" Xavier yells in retaliation.

Both guys began to again furiously push buttons on their controller. On the tv screen, their characters kept throwing punches and kicks.

"Meh, I think Terry is the best fighting game character in history." Piped up Judith unexpectedly, chewing blissfully her forkful of spaghetti carbonara.

The sound of gameplay suddenly stopped.

All four guys turn their attention to her.

"What?" Judith said questionably, noticing their looks.

"So you know about video games too?" Remarked Liam in surprise.


" play them too...?"

"Uh huh." What? Is it weird for a girl to play video games or something?

"Wow..." Liam trailed off in awe.

"Take back what you said! Ryu is better than Terry! He came first!" Xavier yells out at her, defending his favorite fighting game character.

"No. Terry is more iconic!" Judith argued back.

"Ryu has more training and special moves!"

"Terry has unrivaled tenacity and is self-taught! Also, Terry is more handsome!"

Xavier gave a shocked gasp. "How dare you call Ryu ugly!"

"I never said that!"

They both kept arguing which gaming character is better, the others spectating their argument in a mix of shock and amusement.

They have never seen Xavier be this talkative, ever.

Even Zayden find it funny, although he doesn't want to admit it.

Charles leaned toward Liam, whispering, "I've never seen Xavier so animated. This is... different."

Liam chuckled, "Looks like Judith is bringing some life to our club."

Eventually, the argument evolved into a friendly challenge as they decided to settle the dispute through a battle in a fighting game called Iron Fist 5. Charles set up the console, and soon, the room was filled with the intense sounds of virtual combat.

"Let the best fighter win!" Judith declared, adopting a competitive grin. She is playing as a character named Xiaoyu.

Xavier matched her enthusiasm, "Prepare to be defeated, Judith!" He is playing as a character named Jin.

As the virtual duel unfolded on the screen, the other club members couldn't help but cheer and offer playful commentary. Zayden, despite his initial reservations, found himself drawn into the excitement.

Liam chuckled and turned to Zayden, "Well, looks like things are getting interesting. Maybe having Judith around won't be so bad after all. How about we each take turns playing against her in these games?"

Zayden simply nodded, still maintaining his composed demeanor, but there was a subtle shift in his perspective.

He would never have known Judith has a different side of her.

The match between Judith and Xavier continued, each round bringing more laughter and banter. The atmosphere in the club room transformed from tense to lively, and even Zayden couldn't deny the positive impact Judith was having on the group.

But he wants to talk to Liam in private regarding Judith after the lunch period is over.

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