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Shahana's pov:

I took a last glance towards Aashvi before following the black-suit-guy with my bag.

He was probably 7ft or so.
I followed him timidly as I was still hesitant about this new environment and a new life though it was temporary.

I took a last glance of the retreating figure of Sir, Aashvi and his brother before heading towards the black-suit guy.

"Name and age?", the guy asked me curtly.
"Umm Shahana Veer, 21. You can call me Shaha. And yours?", I answered smilling small.

"Raghav, 28.", he answered returning the smile.

After our conversation everything was silent.

And silence is something I despise. It has never made me feel at peace but quite the opposite.

It makes me feel lonely leaving me with the thoughts of my family.
Silence is stifling and haunting. Period.

We reached at the doorstep of a locked room. Raghav kept my bags down and unlocked the door with the key while handing me a spare one.

I entered the room behind him and Damn. It wasn't a room but a whole apartment with the biggest rooms any apartment could have.

I brushed my hands on the furnitures of the apartment feeling their different textures.

Everything in that apartment screamed of money. The stuffs in there were so extravagant, elegant and modern.
When I was done with gawking at everything, I came to the living room of the apartment where Raghav was sitting.

"Which one of the rooms is mine?", I asked him while settling on the couch.

"Room? The whole apartment is assigned to you.", he looked at me confusedly. And I was shocked at it.

I was given a basement at Singh Saab's mansion despite so many empty rooms. And here I was given a whole apartment to live in.

"And yes. There are somethings you need to know. You have to be ready by 5 from tomorrow morning, everyday. You will be working as personal security guard for Arhaan Sir so you need training for using arms and weapons", with that he stood up to leave.

"Why me though, a woman? He could've got the best of fighter men.", I asked him what I couldn't ask Sir. It had been lingering in my mind since the moment in the VVIP section.

" I don't know either. Arhaan Sir wanted you here in any way possible. Maybe he was amazed by your skills. Anyway we'll know the reason tomorrow.", he said before leaving and wishing me Good Night.

As soon as he left, I took my bag and went in the closet to arrange the clothes but little did I know it was already stocked with new clothes of every type.

From western ones to indians, gymwears to sleepwears and lingerie?

Wait. Lingerie? What the actual fuck.

I checked to see if they were even my size or not. And yes. They fit so perfectly accentuating my curves.

But what if they weren't mine? Maybe it was someone else's?
And even if they were mine, how did they get my size and that too in mere hours?

I immediately took off those new clothes and took my old ones from the bag.
I was tired but not sleepy.

Sleep was far away in some other cosmic universe.

I was worried about Rooh. Will she be okay? Her thoughts clouded my mind while I wore my clothes and headed out of the apartment.

I wanted to go out and breathe some fresh air.

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