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Its been a couple days since Connor got here and I've royally failed to ignore it. I've ended spending less time with Hank because of my uncomfyness and I feel bad from how my ignoring connor left to ignoring hank too since it followed him like a puppy. His cute little run after him and the way his eyes lit up when talking about murder and for some reason is always right around the corner. There were police from other precincts here today to share cases about deviants and find any correlations. Which meant coffee runs all day, right now, there was a giant meeting with at least 20 cops from all over and I was tasked to get alot of them different coffees and snacks. Rushing around the precinct awnsering emails and getting lattes while the androids at the front desk awnser calls and take in the rising number of reports, the lobby seemed to never be empty these days. I almost wondered if some of them were lying and just trying to get an upgraded android.



Hank was extra grumpy today. Causing my proccecors to work overtime to find out how to keep the peace. All the extra cops here today put him on edge. I said we were wasting time and should be out studying these crime scenes rather than talking about them but Hank said we had no choice. This room was crammed and I tried my best to stay out of the way but no matter where I was they kept getting upset.

"Out of the way tin can"

"Fuck you doin?" Another said

"'State of the art' huh?" Reed snickered

I was in the far back corner and decided I needed to leave. There was no point in me being here especially if nobody wanted me to be. I told Hank I was stepping out and tried to make my way through the crowd.

"Excuse me," after "excuse me," I cut through every body and I was almost out the door when Reed tripped me.

Making me fall directly into the familiar attractive human carrying a plate of coffees.

She yelped as I fell forward and I wrapped my arm around her to catch her and then caught myself with the other arm so she never hits the ground. Hot coffee spilled over my back and dripped down onto where my body want covering, causing her to wince slightly.

"Connorrr our coffee!" Reed whined.

"I'm so sorry, are you okay?" I said ignoring him and bringing us to a standing position.

"I- uh, I... yea I'm okay. T-hank you connor." She touched the spot on her arms where the coffee hit her. Now that we're standing I could see with a scan she has worse burns on her legs as well.

"Let me help you with those burns. You need to cover them with ointment to avoid infection." I grabbed her arm lightly and gestured towards the way to the bathrooms, where the first aid kit was. She was avoiding my gaze.

"Well I don't know, I think I-" she stopped mid sentence when looked at me with a strange look and sighed, hiding her face behind her hair. "Okay."

"I'll let Karlee know the officers want coffee." I said as I pulled her along, Sending karlee a message.

Humans are so complicated.



It's holding me so gently yet hard enough to make me feel as if i'm being dragged. The look on it's face was hard to explain and his LED is a mix of red and yellow. When he offered to help, that look in his eyes melted every ounce of resistance inside of me. I feel crazy now thinking it but it had a look of worry in his eyes, I just couldn't say no. They really designed it perfectly because just I looked into his eyes and felt like I may just need to be carried away before my legs gave out and just gave right into those swirling chocolate orbs. It pulled me into the bathroom and backed me up towards the sink before taking off it's coffee soaked sweater and turning towards the medkit, making me turn away blushing.

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