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Out there, a girl glows, radiant yet shadowed by self-doubt,
Her beauty profound, yet she feels unseen, lost in thoughts of supposed flaws.

A smile that light cannot bind, nor photographs confine,
She battles for acceptance, her reflections marred by the chase for perfection.

With each stroke of her brush, she erases what she perceives as imperfections,
Unaware that her true allure lies in every unique detail.

I wish she knew, perfection is a mosaic of our imperfections.

She muffles her laughter, fearing it's too loud or unbecoming,
Yet, in her unguarded moments, I see a light so pure, no revisions necessary.

Her heart may seem as fragile as sand slipping through determined fingers,
But if she'd let me, I'd hold her hand through each uncertain step,
Help her see that her strength is as vast as it is quiet, commanding as it is gentle.

Out there is a girl burdened by self-doubt,
But to me, you are perfect...flawlessly, effortlessly, authentically beautiful.

Written by Ray-Ventura

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