Valentine's Special - 2024

34 6 16

I didn't plan to have a continuous plot, but here we are!
This time, I'm glad I'm not late.
Enjoy this special.
Also, I must GREATLY appreciate the help of theinvisibleduck , since without her, I would never be able to complete this

11:59 PM
Room 50.5 (A secret room under the blocked staircase in the library)

The night was peaceful and quiet. Everyone was asleep, except for two entities.
Figure was lying on the bed, Seek resting on his chest.
"Hey, Figgy?" Seek leaned up slightly.
"What if everything goes wrong?"
Figure laughed slightly and wrapped his arms around his partner. "You gotta overthink everything? Trust our friends! They won't let our wedding day fall apart!"

Seek sighed as he melted into Figure's arms. "I just can't help but be worried..." He said, and blush rose to his cheeks when he felt Figure kissing his neck.
"It'll be fine." Figure spoke in a soothing voice and placed Seek on the bed, cuddling up to him. "Just rest."

6:00 PM
Room 67 - Seek's dressing room.

Seek sat at the corner of the room, curled up into a ball of anxiety.
Hide walked into the room, surprised at his big brother's behavior. "Seek, what the fuck is going on?" He asked in a stern manner.
Seek looked up at his brother, and his voice trembeled as he said "I can't Hide. There's no way. I can't do it."

Hide have had enough. He grabbed Seek's shoulders and looked him dead in the eye, before delivering him three sharp slaps while yelling, "GET. YOUR SHIT. TOGETHER!" He took a deep breath and let him go. "The love of your life is getting ready to marry you as we speak, and you're out here anxietying?"

Seek lifted his hand tiredly. "First, 'anxietying' isn't a word, and secondly, WHAT IF HE DOESN'T SHOW UP!?"
"And what might make you think that?" Hide crossed his arms angrily. "You've been with him for over a fucking year. Stop being such a pussying pussy, you paranoid piece of shit!" 
But Hide's expression softened when he saw his brother starting to cry. He sat down next to Seek and pulled him into his arms, gently stroking his back.

"Come here you bitch..." Hide said with a small smile. "It'll be fine. Trust me. He loves you so much that it's fucking disgusting at times." 
Seek chuckled slightly. "You're the worst."
"It's my job as the younger sibling."
Seek wiped his tears andf stood up. "Fine. I'll get ready now."

Hide felt proud of his brother while he left the room to give him some privacy.

7:30 PM
Room 100 - Figure's dressing room.

Figure woke up, finding himself on a chair.
"Did I fall asleep...?" He mumbled groggily "Fuck... What time is it?" He got up, searching for the clock and felt its hands. "7:30? SHIT!" He groaned in frustration, starting to get ready. "I bet Seek is ready while I'm sleeping here like an idiot."

As he adjusted his suit, Void walked in. "Oh, you woke up?" He asked as he leaned on the doorframe. 
"you knew I was asleep?!" Figure roared. "WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP!?"
"You looked too peaceful." Replied the other smugly.
"THE FUCK YOU MEAN 'too peaceful'?! I NEED TO GET READY!" Figure wouldn't admit it, but he was more nervous than mad.

"It's fine, you still have time-"
"GET OUT!" Figure pushed Void out ans slammed the door to the room shut.
Sighing, he leans on the wall. The fact he was going to get married in a few hours shook him to his core.
"I just hope Seek isn't panicking too much..."

!Specials!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon