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Reluctantly, I retreat to the locker room, biting my tongue in a painful motion as I hold back a rallying protest towards Erin. Did she assume I had turned into a Hellen Keller wannabe in the past few days? I could clearly see her pointed gaze, a sharp stare that could cut through the toughest of soldiers, and it didn't take a heightened sense of hearing to listen into her bitter remarks against me, critiquing my moves as captain to her willing accomplice, Olivia.

In a way, I couldn't blame her. As much as I wanted to absolutely throw insistent jabs and let her feel just how I have the past few days, I know she has a lot going on. Yes, that shouldn't excuse her behavior towards me, as someone who hasn't done anything to deserve the snide comments, but her mom's a total control-freak, especially when it comes to track. So, seeing her visibly upset over having her spot taken over in another setting probably isn't what she needs right now.

I finish up in the locker room, grabbing a few things and shoving them into my gym bag before slamming the locker shut behind me. I take my hair down from the horrendous ponytail we all have to abide by wearing, walking out into the gym. And there he was, waiting for me. By the way I talk about Cole Walter, you'd probably assume he was the devil himself. You can't tell me it's not half-true though, he's practically satan reincarnated as a teenage boy.

"Looking beautiful as always," his voice rings out almost condescendingly. If he was trying to get into character now or something, he's doing a miserable job.

"Shut up," I laugh, slapping his arm, which is something I find myself doing around him more than I'd care to admit.

Erin's head is practically on a swivel as she catches wind of the two of us, laughing together. Cole's head tilts slightly, almost looking me over. "Well, I wouldn't be a great personal driver if I wasn't having you on time, now would I?" His smirk returns, his vision glancing to Erin as she pretends to not be listening in, the irritated expression solidifying onto her face. "Better get going, Cam." I nudge his arm with my shoulder, a silent plea to shut up for once in his life, but he interprets my jab as a sign to pull his arm around my shoulders. His grip isn't tight or overly firm, it was just there as he walks me out of the gym.

"Slut," I hear Erin mumble as we walk through the doors. It's like Cole reads my mind, my sudden urge to walk back in there and have a full-blown hissy fit, because while his grip wasn't tight before, I feel him pull me closer and let his arm have more leverage around me.

When I see his car come closer into view, I peel his arm off me, walking over to the passenger side and getting in, throwing my bags into the backseat.

"What the hell was that?" I furrow my brows as he shuts his door behind him, leaving a steady foot on the brake as he starts the car.

"Me picking you up," the blonde boy shrugs, tapping his hands against the steering wheel as he looks me over.

"So, we're doing this now?" I lean against the door, pulling my feet up into the seat. He bites back a protest, I've come accustom to realizing when tiny things I do piss him off, but he ultimately runs a hand through his hair instead.

"I thought that was implied in the terms of the deal. I become your personal chauffer, you pretend like you're madly in love with me. I personally think it's pretty fair." His gaze stays on me, the look of cockiness not fading from his demeanor. "You know, perfect matrimony or whatever." He smirks at his sarcastic remark.

"Do you just enjoy hearing the sound of your voice?" I ask rhetorically, shaking my head as I look out the windshield, away from his gaze.

He grins, dimples embedding in the sides of his cheeks. "Well, when you have such a sexy and charming..."

I cut him off before I somehow throw up in my mouth. "And matrimony means marriage, Cole. Get a dictionary for god's sake."

"Who's managed to piss in your cereal?" He laughs. "This is more than I'm used to from you."

"What? Can't take it?" I grin for once.

• • •

Kiley had offered me a ride back, and instead of heading home, we picked up Grace and went out for dinner. I knew my mom would be out working late again, so I didn't mind the company at all.

"So, you're seriously dating Cole?" Grace asks, which earns her a glare from Kiley. "Oh, come on!" She protests. "It's not like everyone's being all hush-hush about it. I'm just asking the same questions the whole school are already asking."

"I mean...not dating per se. I mean, yes, we are. But not...really." I shake my head. "It's complicated."

"Really? Because apparently he picked you up, and his arm was on your shoulders, and people totally saw you in his car, so I think that constitues as something." She rambles, smiling as she does. Cole was severely idolized to every girl at school who had a heartbeat, which, of course, sped up rapidly whenever his name was simply mentioned in passing. As you can tell, I don't really get the appeal. But Grace does. Like, really does.

Kiley interjects for me with a groan of a plea. "Can we please just nix the whole topic of guys?"

"Alex?" I question, shoving a french fry in my mouth as I ruffle my hair slightly.

"Look, I know Jackie's been here for all of a day, but I think Alex has some sort of thing for her. Or is at least developing one." She sighs. "I get it. You know, he sees me as a friend. But still."

Grace and I listen to her intently, offering advice, trying to soothe her worries. Kiley has had a thing for Alex since the beginning of time. It wouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out, well, except for Alex himself. Who seemed as clueless as a zombie, completely lacking a brain, and possibly some critical thinking skills when it came to girls.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26 ⏰

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