Chapter 2

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Unsurprisingly, she got a cold after confessing under the rain.

After they broke up from each other, instantly Wriothesely had scooped her up and carried her, yes, princess style.

She was soo embarrassed, she squirmed and snuggled into him deeper. Seeking for coverage and warmth, despite there being no other person in the street other than the pair. As for warmth, she was starting to feel the biting, chilling cold from the rain drops that had seeped through her clothes and that had been constantly hitting on them.

Wriothesley had already grabbed his once fallen umbrella and hold it up for their coverage.

He could only smile as she flushed red and snuggled into him deeper. It was very adorable, you don't see that often. In fact, it was the first time ever. He had to write it down in his diary. To be frank, they just officially announced that they are dating and them as boyfriend and girlfriend.

Oh how happy he truly felt. He is literally on cloud nine.

After some time, which he took his time going back. He used slow steps to go back to her office, worrying that they might slip and cause another accident. While simultaneously prolonging their time together as a pair.

He had brought her back to her home once the rain subsided when he found out she got a cold in her office. She actually took the liberty of carrying her back to her house, which wasn't much work in his opinion but she was very embarrassed and felt bad for. Typical her honestly, one of the traits he admired her for.

Once they arrived at her lavish home but empty house, except for 1 caretaker..The caretaker changed her clothes to dry ones and he tucked her in.

He could only smile and took care of her. It is his job as her partner. He is glad helping to take care of her. And he did for as long as she was sick, even after she wasn't, he dropped by for almost every other day.

She could only accept since he had insisted. He stated that he doesn't take no as an answer so, she willingly accepted albeit reluctantly.

She isn't too happy, but she couldn't help but felt touched that he is taking care of her. Nobody had taken care her out of their own will...She had her assistant and everything but essentially, they work for her...

As for her few close friends, she doesn't like to burden them. She still love them very much. They had been very supportive and kind towards her.

Most of her sickness isn't serious thanks to her good regeneration. So it usually doesn't take a long time to rest...

Until now..

She was resting for a week at her home! A whole week! Which was huge for her...She had never have more than 1 whole day break. Even if she had, it was extremely rare.

She merely got a cold! A simple cold! She was already better in a day. Do you know what Wrio did as he came to meet her at her house? He claimed that and she quote, "You aren't better yet, you should take some more rest." She absolutely disagreed with what he stated and immediately rebuked it.

She had kindly re-inform to him about the fact that everyone in the world knows, that her work is not decreasing but increasing instead. If he block her schedule, it will reach into unimaginable heights and she was not joking.

He also knew what she said was true. But he couldn't help but forbade her for picking. He knew that this was one of the instances that she would get to rest for another year. She truly VERY rarely gets much rest. If you call half a day of meeting with friends every once in two months a rest. (Other than him of course, he visits her almost every other week).

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