Light and Fire

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“In a world where the light and the dark coexist, I call to you.”

In a dark pitch black empty space that seemingly extends endlessly, a faint yet clear voice can be heard.

“In this world where the light and the dark wages war, I summon you.”

The source and whereabout of the voice is coming from is unknown as it seems to come in all directions, as if the void is speaking.

“Shall you be the one that can stabilize and bring balance to this world, the Judicator may shine lights to your path. Or shall you be like those who will worsen the stability of this world, then the Judicator will bring darkness to your path.”

Out of nowhere, a faint yet bright yellow light appeared in the middle of the void. The light is either too dim or the void is simply too spacious and empty that the bright shine from the light does not seem to reach any surfaces or anything anywhere.

“May your path be filled with life and a bright journey.”

Slowly but constantly, more lights started appearing one by one, varying in sizes, colors, and glow. The yellow light shines in unison and brighter.

“Or may your path be engulfed in darkness and a false adventure.”

At a similar rate, the new lights are disappearing one by one until all lights but one have disappeared. The yellow light shines alone and dimmer.”

“But I sensed a potential, the structure in your mind is stable, the heart inside you is calm, and your soul is as pure as a spring water. You possess the means to take on what this world can offer to you, should it be a challenge or a blessing.”

The dim yellow light starts growing slowly to a rapid state, and the light’s dim glow is rapidly shining even brighter than before. From shining to that similar to a fire, now shining so bright it rivals the sun.

The bright yellow light has completely overwhelmed the dark empty void. Seconds by seconds, the void is shattering, revealing broken reality in every crack.

“A significant destiny awaits you. May you evolve into the next prodigy, and upon achieving that, I shall present you with this gift. It holds the power to unlock opportunities, enabling one to overcome all challenges that lie ahead—the same gift that once aided me.”

In a matter of seconds, the swiftly intensifying glow and the fragmenting void abruptly ceased, compressing and condensing into a singular, bright red-yellowish fire, dancing in the middle of nothingness.

“Come and take this gift.”

The red-yellowish flame intensifies, growing both in intensity and size. Subsequently, it erupts in a powerful burst, spreading in all directions as though it were devouring everything, engulfing objects in its fiery embrace. Surprisingly, the expansion is not aggressive but rather the flame bursts and flows similarly to a bucket filled with water that was spilled everywhere.

The flame that had expanded out from the fire had covered everything, creating a world that is made of fire and burning everywhere. There is nothing else other than a burning world to be seen. But, one thing stood out notably in a mist of the scorching flames. The original form of the fire stood the same as how it was before, as if nothing had ever happened to it.

A singular, bright red-yellowish fire dances in the middle of nothingness that is now engulfed in fire.

The fire burned fiercely and seemed to await something, waiting to be approached, ready to be grasped. Something implied that if someone or something were to take the fire, a great destiny yet filled with terror will come soon or later to them. Maybe because of what the voice had said?

Just after a moment, a small glimmering light suddenly appeared in front of the flame. The light is nearly the same size as the flame, only a tiny bit smaller. The shape and the behavior of the light is similar to the previous light that had appeared earlier, only a considerable difference that it is glowing in pure white color and significantly brighter.

The light slowly approaches the scorching flame. The fire doesn’t seem to affect or harm the light with the heat whatsoever. It is not just a regular fire after all, the flame burns with significantly more intensity than a normal fire.

Before the light touches the flame, the light begins to grow brighter rapidly. The light that was shining the same brightness as of the fire, is starting to overwhelm the nearby burning environment, but not the flame itself.

Soon enough, the world that was engulfed in flame transformed into a white empty space after the light had overwhelmed and merged with the fire, seemingly to have taken control of the scorching fire.

“I bestow upon you this gift, as you fulfill my prior duty and emerge as the new calling.”

the voice can be heard again, seemingly for the last time.

“May you guide the light and may the light be your new friend, dear Phoenix.”

“And may our stars align for once more, dear Radiant of Moonlight.”

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