" Won't you be a good sibling "

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Dollhouse by Melanie Martinez and Cale who is walking down the halls of expensive paintings

P.s. He doesn't like it when he looks at himself

You Came... [Deruth]

You Called... [Cale]


Morning of the next day came. Cale and the black dragon were off to Henituse territory. The night before bed, they had received, well cale did, a call from the Henituse couple. They had agreed to meet for brunch the next day.

They didn't specify the occasion but Cale knew what was coming.

'It must be the tapes. It's okay. I got this. Just go with the plan'

'Stay cool. Don't get emotional. Don't get invested. It wasn't you who went through it'

'What's a bunch of mommy and daddy issues going to do to him anyway? He's KIM ROK SOO AND CALE HENITUSE. He is the man of both worlds. He faced monsters and demons. STay CaLm!'


"Cale? Honey, are you okay?"

"Oh, yes mother. I'm quite alright" said Cale as they refocused to the conversation. They were having a cup of tea. The whole Henituse family is there, except Lily because she had sword classes. But that was just an excuse, both parties know that the conversation wouldn't be for children.

"Cale, we need to talk to you about something... See a few days ago, there was this.." Initiated Deruth.

"Yes, it's my tape. It's not fake. I did make that. Though I didn't think anyone would leak it out to the public."

"Ah... umm.. I see" His voice became smaller and smaller. He couldn't figure out words to say.

He wasn't even going to ask for the validity of the tapes because... he knew, it was possible for Cale to-

"Deruth." said Violan, hand on Deruth's shoulder, snapping him out of a daze.

Not even 5 sentences in and the atmosfear was already a mess. The butlers that were present like Ron, Hans, and a couple others just grimaced in secret.

Basen looked towards Cale. In his view, Cale looked nervous. He stared at the hand holding his Father's shoulder and looked away. Hm? Why so?

Cale, on the other, was regretting life decisions. He didn't want to make drama out of this. Was he perhaps too harsh to Deruth? Perhaps cutting his words was what did it? Look, the man's so distraught he needed his wife's touch to get back to. He turned his head to the side, not knowing what to do.

"Father... I just want to make this clear"

The whole table then stared at him.

He then copied and adapted just a little bit from the sentences he told his found family about the whole tape ordeal.

" I know, I lashed out a lot back then and that tape was just me venting. I just meant that I... want to be better, as a reborn Cale and sort of, bury who I was before. It doesn't matter anyway"

"No, honey, it matters" debated Violan

"No, Mother. It doesn't. It's in the past. I'm okay now. I don't care anymore..."

It's all a facade... he thought. He didn't face what the original did but... it still hurt. Why is it that Cale quickly left the manor after getting Harris Village? Avoiding work? No, he could decline work if he wanted.

The Un-Released Released Tapes of The PastKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat