Chapter 31 - my love

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It was rare for me to remember exactly what happened the day before as soon as I wake up, even rarer that a grin was already plastered on my face even before I opened my eyes. But that was exactly happening right now.

Cameron and I are back together.

It felt like Christmas morning and my birthday combined. The smile didn't disappear when I didn't find Cameron on the bed beside me. I knew that most of the time his internal clock wouldn't let him sleep in, exhausted or not. A quick survey of my surroundings told me that he had already stepped outside.

The tall glass walls of Cameron's A-framed cabin displayed the beauty of the forest. The storm had passed. The sun was high in the sky, blasting its glory through the glass walls and spilling sunshine inside the cabin. It must be afternoon already.

Barefoot I followed my nose to the kitchen, desperate for a hit of caffeine. Cameron had already brewed coffee.

The smile on my face widened as I opened a cupboard, spotted the numerous mugs there. I reached for the mug he got for me. It had a picture of a grinning koala and one I always use when I went to his cabin. It was chipped after a round in the dishwasher.

I remembered he'd wanted to throw it out but wouldn't because it was my favourite. He didn't like me drinking from a chipped mug, so he kept buying me new ones after that, hoping that I'd find a new favourite and throw this one out, but none of them surpassed it. Hence, the cupboards filled to bursting with coffee mugs.

We'd have to donate some of these, I thought, not for the first time, as I took the first sip of coffee, closed my eyes and sighed. A lot of them were unused, but I couldn't seem to part with any of them. They were all gifts from Cameron after all.

"I'm back," I told the space, basking in the warm familiarity of everything.

Like Cameron's house in the city, his cabin looked the same. I knew even before I stepped into the bathroom that I'd see my things there, same place where they were before I left them. And they were.

I placed my mug on the bathroom counter, reached for the hairbrush and fixed my hair. It was still a mess, but that was okay, because I knew when I take a shower later, my favourite shampoo and conditioner were there too. I pulled open the shower glass door, took a peek. They were there.

Grinning now, I grabbed my mug, stepped out of the bathroom, and topped it off with more coffee. The fire blazed in the fireplace, and it was warm inside the cabin. Outside it looked sunny, but just in case it was chilly, I opened his closet and found my clothes hanging exactly where I left them. I put on Cameron's sweater, my long skirt and rubber boots that were still stored under the bench by his front door. I walked out on the porch and stalled.

There was a swing on the porch that wasn't there before.

I didn't see it last night because of the storm. It was wet and leaves and brambles were on top of it, most likely blown there by the storm, but I knew Cameron had installed it for me.

I could see us sitting there in the mornings, drinking coffee. At night after dinner, looking at the many, many stars in the night sky. I could picture it so clearly my chest hurt. Ridiculously touched, I walked to the back of the cabin, looking for him.

Where is he?

He was probably in the big house or in the maze. He was always fixing something. It had been so long since I'd been there. I missed it.

In the sun, everything look like a green wonderland. Soon fall would come and turn the leaves into different colours. Nights would get colder, but for now I was going to enjoy the warm weather.

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