The next night, Minerva and Clark walked into an award ceremony. Both superheroes watched as Bruce Wayne walked into the building. Minerva scoffed at the sight of him considering he wasn't much to be worried about. He was tall and handsome in a millionaire way but he sort of just existed for Minerva.

He was the kind of guy who was Diana's type though. Suddenly, Lex Luthor got called up to the stage and Minerva immediately had a bad feeling about him. Something about the Luthor man made her nervous and made her hair stand up at the back of her neck.

For some reason, the Luthor man looked like he was manipulative and that he was very good at getting people to do what he wanted. The brunette watched as the millionaire left out the back door. She watched as Clark looked at him seemingly hearing or seeing something.

Clark turned to her and kissed her "I'll be right back." Clark slowly followed the Wayne billionaire as Minerva listened to Lex Luthor play the crowd. Next thing you know she felt the tension in the room go up about ten levels. She looked around to see where the tension was coming from and rolled her eyes as she noticed her boyfriend and Bruce Wayne tensely shaking hands.

Minerva walked over to them "Bruce Wayne." She reached her hand out and he shook it "I'm Minerva Prince. I see you've met my boyfriend already." Bruce nodded curtly.

Clark wrapped his arm around Minerva partly protecting her and partly making sure that she didn't attack the billionaire knowing that she didn't like him much. Minerva facepalmed as Clark spoke "your people live in fear. He thinks he's above the law." 

Bruce looked at him "the Daily Planet criticizing those who think they're above the law is a little hypocritical wouldn't you say? Considering every time your heroes save a cat out of a tree you write a puff piece editorial about an alien and an Amazon who, if they wanted to, could burn the whole place down. There wouldn't be a damn thing we could do to stop him." 

Minerva watched as Clark shook his head a little in disbelief at the thought "the world doesn't share your opinion, Mr. Wayne." 

"Maybe it's the Gotham City in me." Wayne spoke, "we just have a bad history with freaks dressed like clowns." 

"Boys and girl," they were interrupted by Lex Luthor, and Minerva's inaudible groan made Clark tighten his grip on her knowing that if she got the chance then she would most likely swing on the man she didn't like. Whether that be Bruce Wayne or the annoying man that was Lex Luthor he didn't know. 

Lex looked between them "I love it. I love bringing people together. How are we?" He walked closer to them and shook hands with each of them although they were all reluctant for very different reasons. "We finally got Mr. Wayne to jump the river and come to Metropolis." 

Clark noticed Bruce look a little annoyed "I figured I'd come and drink you dry." 

Luthor was dragged away by his assistant to go meet with the governor just as someone in Bruce's earpiece spoke "seven minutes. Transfer's complete."

Bruce promptly walked away as Clark and Minerva looked at each other. Clark sighed "you heard that right?" 

"I did," Minerva nodded. "Let's go." 

The two Metropolis superheroes followed Bruce Wayne at a safe distance down the stairs and were stopped at the kitchens when the TV announced "a deadly fire has interrupted the Day of the Dead celebration in Juarez." 

Clark and Minerva looked at each other before nodding. They walked out of the building and found a quiet place to escape. Clark opened his jacket revealing his suit and Minerva allowed the pegasus spirit to take over her body and cover it in armor. She allowed her wings to sprout and they both took off.

They smelled the smoke before they saw it. A dark thick cloud of black smoke and ash covered the sky for miles and it smelled none too pleasant. Clark looked to the brunette next to him "be careful." 

Minerva nodded "you as well." They both flew into the building that was more of an inferno than a building anymore. Each returned with a person in their arms. As they set the people down, the people around them marveled at their presence treating them like gods. 

Minerva and Clark looked around and at each other in disbelief. Minerva was literally a god but she didn't feel like she had done anything to deserve their loyalty other than what was right. 

Days later, Clark and Minerva sat watching the news and conversations concerning Lady Pegasus and Superman. "What if Superman and Lady Pegasus aren't the devils or gods? What if they are just people trying to do the right thing?" 

Another channel continued "I don't care whether Superman or Lady Pegasus are gods. They are saving people which is more than anyone else is doing. The world needs them." 

Minerva smiled at the woman speaking before looking to Clark "well, we knew they were going to be controversial about us. It seems no one can agree on anything." 

Meanwhile, in the bat cave, Bruce sat there staring at Lady Pegasus and Superman saving people. Alfred moved behind him "they are doing a good job saving people." 

Bruce nodded "but for how long?" Alfred looked at him confused so Bruce continued "we've seen people make promises and then change. There are not many good guys left and not many of them stay that way." 

Alfred sighed "yes, but are you sure you want to risk making an enemy out of these two?" 

"No," Bruce spoke seriously. "But I have to. Get the sample from the ocean and we're going to use it on them." Bruce walked off determinedly and Alfred couldn't help the sinking feeling that this was a horrible idea and it may cause more problems than it was worth. 

Bruce Wayne may be creating more enemies out of nothing. 

Lady Pegasus - Clark KentWhere stories live. Discover now