Chapter 1 : Enchanted beginnings

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JI sun's fingers traced the dusty shelves of the antique shop , her eyes scanning over relics from times long past . Each piece held a story , but it was the simple golden pendant that grabbed her attention. It's surface shimmered like a captured star in front of her . And Ji sun felt an inexplicable pull towards it .

As she marveled at the pendant, an old voice , soft and enchanting, reached her ears . " It has found its real owner " the mysterious shop owner declared. Ji sun listened as the old lady approached and gently lifted the pendant . " If you want it , I will give it to you " she offered. Drawn by an unseen force, Ji sun accepted the pendant , feeling an immediate connection. " Wear it on your wrist . Once the right time comes it will reveal its secrets "  old lady offered her the pendant . She took it unaware that this small trinket would be the key to unlocking a realm beyond ordinary.

Exiting the antique shop, Ji sun walked through the bustling city, the pendant clutched in her hand . The shiny surface continued to captivate her , and a sense of curiosity stirred within . It wasn't until she reached her orphanage that she decided to heed the old lady's advice.

In her room , surrounded by the ordinary sound of children at play , Ji sun cautiously slipped the pendant onto her wrist . To her amazement, it began to glow with an ethereal light , casting a spell of wonder in the room . As it shined , Ji sun couldn't help but marvel at the newfound connection she felt .

Lost in the thought, Ji sun was interrupted by her roommate.
" Next week you have to attend the fansign event right ? I can imagine your face when you see Seventeen, you are a huge fan of them . So what are you going to talk with them ? " Her roommate asked with curiosity while approaching her , she reached for a chair to take a seat beside Ji sun .

Ji sun looked at her roommate and answered, " they are always motivating me , so this time I will motivate them ". After hearing Ji sun's response, her roommate winked and playfully tapped Ji sun's back . Their conversation about the upcoming seventeen fansign event flowed naturally, but it was Ji sun's pendant that stole the spotlight.

Ji sun's roommate noticed the pendant on Ji sun's hand and examined it closely . She took hold of Ji sun's hand , peering at the pendant with wide eyes . " It's nice , where did you get it ? " She asked . " Isn't it shiny ? It's so beautiful right ? " Ji sun replied while staring at her pendant.

"Well it's just a normal pendant for me , but I like it . It suits you . " Ji sun's roommate continued while releasing Ji sun's arm , allowing her to continue staring at the pendant in awe .

Overtime , Ji sun's fascination with the pendant deepened. Peculiar occurrences became part of her daily life , and the shiny surface revealed glimpses of a world unknown to her . At times she saw visions of people through the shiny surface of the pendant. One day , while lost in the radiant visions within the pendant, Ji sun saw Jun from Seventeen walking down the red carpet at a glamorous party . The realisation dawned - the pendant's ability went beyond simple adornment. Yet , she did not know these mysterious visions hinted of the pendant's ability to transcend dimensions.

BEYOND THE SHIMMERING PENDANT ( PART 1) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora