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Ch. 7: Magnetic

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I woke up and immediately wished I hadn't.

My body ached like someone had used it as a punching bag, and my head felt like the clapper inside of a bell being rung by an overzealous percussionist. I'd had my share of injuries, but nothing I could recall compared.

What was wrong with me? Had I been inflicted with a human virus? Is this what it felt like to have the flu or covid? It was rare for werewolves to contract such illnesses, but given my current condition, it didn't feel like I could rule them out.

"You don't have a virus," a female voice said from the other side of my bed.

I attempted to turn over but was interrupted by a piercing pain that emanated from my head down my spine. "Calla?"

"You sound surprised."

"I am. What are you...why are you...?"

Her arm slid over my side. She scooted up next to my back, being careful not to press into me too hard. "You don't remember what happened, do you?"

"Of course, I do." I sent my mind through its paces, but it wasn't exactly up to the task. "I came home and went to bed."

"Technically, those two things did happen. But you're leaving out about a dozen crucial details."

"Is one of them the reason I feel like I'm at death's door?"

"You're not dying, Rhys, but yes...that's something we need to talk about. You were attacked."

"I was? How do you know that?"

"Well, for one, I found you unconscious, beaten to a pulp next to your dumpster."


"And secondly, you told me yourself last night, along with the fact that you spotted Henry Fowling with Vicki. Don't you remember?"

I searched my memories again. In it, as I was driving, I kept glancing over my shoulder at a car behind mine. "I remember the Lucky Seven and Vicki. After that, though... There were headlights. I kept taking turns and that car kept making the same turns."

"That's right. You were being followed. Then you were hit. Following the moment of impact, you couldn't remember anything until I found you."

"And now I can't even remember that."

"It will come back to you. You just need time."

"This much, though? If that all happened last night, I should be better off than I am by now. A little sore, sure, but this?"

"The attack happened the night before last. You were absent at work yesterday, which is why I came to look for you."

"Two days? What the hell?"

"I'd like an explanation too. This isn't normal. I think...I think you were attacked by Humankind First members. They didn't just hit your car, they beat you and...I don't know, maybe gave you something that weakened your system."

"Like a poison?"

"It's possible, isn't it?"

"If that's true, and we've seen firsthand how effective it is, that's bad news for more than just me. We could all be vulnerable to some sort of biological warfare."

Calla snuggled a big closer. "I know. But let's focus on you, just for now. It was scary, Rhys."

I took her hand in mine. "I'm glad you found me. Thank you for getting me up here and taking care of me. And thank you for staying."

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